Who am I?

I’m a multimedia artist, most known for the music of my alien persona and the short films of her human alter ego. My songs and videos were featured on various mainstream media outlets, most notably on NPR and The New York Times (media outlets I used to respect BC1) and more recently on independent sources like The Corbett Report and Media Monarchy. In 2020, artists and musicians like myself who chose to speak out became an endangered species all over the planet and — irony of ironies — right here in the once free-thinking San Francisco. It’s rare to be a voice against the biomedical fear porn that’s taken root in the Bay Area. I have have lost connection with a fair amount of my former friends and peers, all for voicing my opinions and asking questions.

Why did I start a Substack for Sane Francisco?

I am sincerely hoping this platform — one of the few that does not censor free speech — will serve as another means to connect closet Sane Franciscans to the Sane Community.

I’d like to help us show the world that the Bay is not lost forever.  There has been a resistance here from Day 1, and we found each other.

It’s still taboo, even today, to discuss with my friends and neighbours anything that goes against the mainstream narrative. If this channel grows, who knows… something might pierce through the collective fog.

Finally I pray that it will encourage all the silent ones to shake off their fear and speak. Message to the muted: there’s millions of us worldwide who see what is happening, and our numbers get bigger by the day. Three years into “the pandemic” and 73% of what corporate media immediately maligned as “conspiracy theories” have now been confirmed. So I hope you will add your voice to ours, and be as resolute and fearless as possible. Much damage has already been done and the stakes are even higher going forward. We must think of the children, who deserve a healthy future and depend on our protection.

Why become a paid subscriber?

If you’re part of the Sane community already, becoming a paid subscriber is a way to say thank you. You’ve seen me working tirelessly to meet our community’s needs by organizing weekly meet-ups, social gatherings, protests, live arts and music events, job and housing bulletin boards, promoting your gigs, workshops, businesses, and much more.

If you’re learning about Sane Francisco from outside of the Bay Area, becoming a paid subscriber is a way to support sanity in the craziest of places. Local action makes a national impact. Help us strengthen our community and push back against the tides of Bee Ess overpowering our fair city.

Join the Sane Gang!

Be officially part of a community — for the record, we are both vacksed and unvacksed — which believes that government overreach and in particular medical mandates, especially for children, are completely insane! 

And if you are only just finding out that Sane Francisco exists, you will be delighted to know that there are way more of us than you would imagine. If you become a paid subscriber — and if I/we know you in person — you can be added to the various Telegram groups so that you can expand your friend base and meet — IRL! — with like-minded folk, eg. at Sane Events and many other Bay Area happenings.

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What is Substack?

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.


Before Covid.

Subscribe to Sane Francisco

Sane Francisco originated with my quest to unite those who believe in freedom (medical and otherwise) and who are also against censorship and authoritarianism. The majority of us are former lefties who became politically homeless in 2020. ✨ Stay Sane ✨


I'm a truth-loving artist, a sound, image & word player. Until 2020, I was oh-so-ignorant about the ways of our world. I've been trying to make up for it ever since. ✨Stay Sane✨