9/11: Never Forget How They Lie(d) to Us
Plus the 19th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival is happening in Oakland today
But first, a true story
On the morning of September 11th, 2001, I was living in Paris and rushing to get myself ready to leave for a meeting with DM, the editor of the International Social Sciences Journal at the UNESCO building. I knew him from a previous job at an Oxford publishing company, and he had told me on the 'phone that he thought I should apply for a job there. I wasn’t sure if I wanted that job, or any such type of job anymore. I felt lost with my life but I decided to go meet him nonetheless.
I remember I was listening to Radio Nova, a French radio station that broadcast from Paris, and this song from one of my all-time favourite albums, Inner Visions, was playing:
I remember how Stevie said (always says), in the middle of the song,
New York,
Just as I pictured it:
Skyscrapers and everything.
and for some reason, those words stayed in my head on my way to the 7th arrondissement (and then came back to me later that evening as the whole day replayed in slo-mo’).
I also remember there was an Irish busker on that Métro journey, playing a guitar and singing about corporations stealing from the people. I was so moved by his song that I gave him a whole 5 Euro note as a tip since I had nothing smaller on me.
When I arrived at the UNESCO building, I noticed a kerfuffle amongst the people working there, but I assumed it was just a busy day in a large international “NGO”. I walked up to the receptionist and told her that I was there to meet DM. When DM came down from his office on the 17th or 18th floor, he looked distressed and asked if I had heard about what had happened. I was confused and wondered what could be making him look so worried:
“Um…, about your leaving? You won’t be working here for much longer?”
(It was his job he wanted me to apply for.)
“No, in New York.” He indicated that I follow him to a room near the front of the building — perhaps it was the UNESCO café — where maybe 70-80 people were standing. I could hear mumblings and felt a sense of malaise, everyone had their eyes looking up to a large screen. I looked at the screen too but couldn’t comprehend what I was seeing. 30 seconds after we walked in, that’s when the second tower crumbled and I gasped, along with everybody else, still not quite understanding. DM then told me terrorists had flown a plane into the WTC.
I can’t remember if we even spoke about it all but I never applied for the job.
Beyond belief, way past grief
If anyone is unsure about what actually happened on September 11th, 2001, 22 years ago, here’s the brilliant James Corbett breaking it all down in 5 minutes (click image of boxcutter for link):
A great truther event happening today
Also, for those in the SF Bay Area, the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, whose mission is to:
seek and disseminate truths about the terrible crimes committed on September 11, 2001, exposing gaps and deceptions in the official story. Our goal is to inspire more eyewitness revelations, truthful media coverage, and a movement that will bring the responsible criminals to justice and eliminate governmental and corporate policies that enable criminal elements to commit such acts.
is holding their 19th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival today from 3pm to 9pm. They will be showing the premiere of David Ray Griffin’s The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7 (trailer below).
The full schedule of the day’s activities can be found here.
I am hoping to go, but it depends on a couple of things.
Wow, thank you for sharing your experience of that day of infamy, when the real terrorists got away with murder. And thank you for publicizing the film festival at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland today!
How wonderful that this is happening. So important to expose these things over and over!