And before you rush to answer the questions, click the ▶️ button below to listen to this very accurate song by Saner pal and collaborator, RMJ:
Shots can be risky
Shots can be bad
Shots may not deserve
all the praise that they've had…
(Yes, I am brainwashing you but in a good way.)
The people are waking up to your lies
The people are trusting their very own eyes
Is that why you're cracking down on the herd?
Is that why you're silencing every word?
By the way, don’t look at the comments on this post until after you’ve taken the VQZ.
Click image below for link to easy quiz of 15 questions.
Most useful if you want to have certain key facts about Vs at your fingertips!
At the end of the quiz, you will read:
Hundreds of hours have gone into creating this quiz and our own quiz software. If you think others may benefit form the information in this quiz, please share it with others.
We have found that the best way to share the quiz is to keep it simple and curiosity driven by sharing the following: How much do you really know about vaccines? Take the quiz and find out.
To reiterate, please take the quiz (15 questions) and then share, share, share!
Unfortunately, I’ve tried to retrace my steps but I was not able to figure out who sent me this excellent questionnaire. If you know who devised it, please tell me so I can thank and credit them.
Oops, in the original title I called the quiz a survey. (I was sent 2 surveys this morning).
Thanks for this highly informative quiz! Very handy for sharing with true believers in all vaccines who claim to be open-minded. I must have been doing my homework, because I got 14 out of 15 answers right. I underestimated the amount of aluminum in the HepB vaccine that is given to one-day old babies (max recommended exposure is 17 micrograms for babies, and I thought there are 100 micrograms in each shot, when in fact there are over 100 micrograms of aluminum in each...)