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Beige Against The Machine | Shades of Beige | Introduction

Episode 1: Why "Beige?" and what is "the Machine?"

This introductory episode outlines the basic premises of a new video series I’m launching, Beige Against The Machine.

Stay tuned for the first interview and other observations.

Micro-fillums… easy to swallow

One of my alter egos — the one that’s a full-time human being — has a thing for making short videos with a certain word in the title. The Beige of Reason, The Beige Witch Project, My Beige Foot, 50 Shades of Beige… you get the picture (pun fully intended).


  1. Technically I am — according to my concept — “a darker shade of Beige”

  2. I can’t help but wordplay

Wot?! A series of micro-fillums?

Soon after we entered Our Times of Covid, and, let’s be honest, due to my avidly seeking them out, I would encounter a certain kind of person either online or in (sic) IRL. What these people had in common was that they all could see, like me, immediately or almost, right through the full-of-holes mainstream narrative, and they also refused to participate in the nonsense.

They were oh, so interesting and oh, so… different.

In 2021, I decided I ought to interview a few of ‘em. The first interview will be published (drum roll)… next week!

Why "Beige?"

I explain it a bit in the short video above and fully in the video below but essentially my point is that the colour of your skin (like your gender, or any other physical attribute) was not chosen by you. Therefore judging a person based on the colour of their skin — as if it was something they had a hand in — is illogical. Not to mention racist.

And that holds regardless of what colour a person’s skin is.

(Confession: I have a lot of friends who make up the many Shades of Beige, and — shock, horror — some of ‘em are even of the Paler Shade of Beige variety).

So are you saying that we all are beige-coloured?!

No, it’s not about actual colour… I am saying that what we have in common is much greater than all the differences we find to set ourselves apart.

Therefore, we are all — according to my definition — Beige.

Beige are the common people.

Thank you for reading Sane Francisco. This post is public so feel free to share it.


OK, so then what is "the Machine?"

As for the Machine, it is all around us if only more people would open their eyes.

Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

(But stick around, I’ll show you, little by little.)

PS. In the above video, I inserted a couple of excerpts from a longer video, one that I made previously. You can watch that one here:

Sane Francisco
Sane Francisco
Sane Franciscan