Chansons de Liberté | Songs of Freedom
Old and new songs of freedom from our French friends | Also... Amnesty?
This morning I met up for croissants with Sane Friend & Collaborator RMJ in his (and now my) favourite French café, during which time he gave me some international news about his song, Jamming for Freedom, one he’d written in 5 minutes a few months ago right before the start of the Jam For Freedom US Tour (which was simultaneously the Rob My Job To Our — pause — World Tour).
You can experience moments from that first day of those tours here, and also hear the JFF song:
Incidentally, soon after hearing RMJ’s JFF song, Cambel McLaughlin, founder of Jam for Freedom, asked RMJ if it could be used as the JFF theme song with musicians from all around the world joining in on the recording. Of course, RMJ said “Mais, bien sûr, monsieur!”
So listen out for that recording. In any case, I’ll be posting it here when it’s out.
A new French, oops I mean Freedom, um… French Freedom song
Some might get the joke: my crossed-out words refer to that other insane time when French Fries were suddenly called Freedom Fries. Funny, that insane time also involved a war, although on this go-round the war is on humanity.
Speaking of songs and French-ness, I’m always glad to hear of more artists speaking — or rather singing — out against the tyranny. Here’s a new Froggy song that “questions and interrogates contradictions,” which was brought to my attention today by a Sane Franciscan (thank you BSJ):
Légitime Def(i)ance (Translation: Legitimate Distrust), by a French artist called Tery:
The lyrics en anglais, les-voici:
No more life
You must shut up
Swallow this bitter taste
I'm not jabbed
Not in the mood
I stay outside in disagreement
I'm not antivax
I'm anti-pass
Against their tyranny, their contempt
Not obese
Rather hefty,
Young people of my age don't occupy any beds
They destroy our lives
Call us conspiracy nuts
Forbidden to ask questions
They destroy our lives
Call us conspiracy nuts
Forbidden to ask questions
They lied to us too much
They have contradicted themselves
One day the judges will put them in the jail
They lied to us too much
They have contradicted themselves
One day the judges will put them in the jail
Taxes on tobacco
Taxes on coca
Taxes on gas, oil, what the hell?
No need for a mask
Get jabbed
So you won't contaminate the ones
That you love
Still contagious even when vaccinated
If you're young and not dumb what's the point of the shot
You need a pass
For the junk food at McDonald's
They need to close down hospital beds
They destroy our lives
Call us conspiracy nuts
Forbidden to ask questions
They destroy our lives
Call us conspiracy nuts
Forbidden to ask questions
They lied to us too much
They have contradicted themselves
One day the judges will put them in the jail
They lied to us too much
They have contradicted themselves
One day the judges will put them in the jail
Locked up
In an old folks' home
Grandmas, grandpas
No more walks
You are fired
No right to welfare payments
You've paid your contributions
You are screwed
No effects
No side effects
You're just a hypochondriac
They destroy our lives
Call us conspiracy nuts
Forbidden to ask questionsThey destroy our lives
Call us conspiracy nuts
Forbidden to ask questionsThey lied to us too much
They have contradicted themselves
One day the judges will put them in the jail
They lied to us too much
They have contradicted themselves
One day the judges will put them in the jail
I like it! But regarding the very last line… well I hope so, but I have legit concerns about many in our judiciary system.
Anyway, at the end of the video, Tery writes (in French):
To question, to doubt, to look out for oneself… that has become illegal???
Good question! One we’ve all been asking since March 2020…
An old* French song
*Well, when I say “old,” I should add the phrase “relatively speaking” since during Our Times of Covid, everything seems to occur at an alarmingly faster rate.
Here’s the classic anti-lockdown hymn — Danser Encore — which is now almost 2 years old:
This blog post by American Thinker has listed many versions of this song from all across Europe if you want to hear other renditions.
Moi, Jet Aime, I love this song so much, I had to make a quick and dirty recording of a version in Franglais last year:
It kinda looks like we’re winning, right? I mean just this week a journalist in a notable mainstream publications actually admitted they got a lot of stuff wrong and even asked for amnesty (um, yeah right? I don’t think so!) although this did not ring true for many of us who question all the moves even the ones that seem to be in our favour. As Kit Knightly explains in the Off-Guardian, this is just narrative reinforcement and one commenter rightly points out:
Forgive what? IT’S STILL GOING ON. Children are now expected to receive these dangerous mRNA injectables as part of the vaccine schedule, which was probably the plan all along.
Our wannabe overlords keep on keeping on with their insane agenda to inject everyone on Earth despite their so-called half-baked/admission apology.
And regardless we will keep on singing and fighting, and often both.
Merci, Jet Aime, for these great songs! Yesterday I saw a guy with a T-shirt that read:
Great post ! Merci for not giving away the name of our cafe. Jamming for Freedom to be recorded in London this coming semaine!
Je t'aime