Doctors for Patients UK
A video that I wish my family in the UK would watch before it gets deleted
Here’s an 18 minute video of some UK doctors talking about mRNA “Vaccines” if you click this link. Apparently their site is overloaded so if it stalls, click this Bitchute link.
The link to the video is disallowed on Twitter and other platforms. World governments do not want ANYONE to view this video. They don’t want anyone to learn the truth.
I'll send it to my family but I'm pretty sure, based on my having sent so much other evidence of dangers from the “Vee”, and received either angry or zero responses, that none of them will do so.
I have 3 sisters and 8 nieces and nephews. Not to mention a bunch of cousins with dozens of kids amongst them.
I’m going to send this link to the Cousin’s What’sApp group (I haven’t posted in that group for 6-12 months). Last time a few of them indignantly left the group after I posted about the dangers of the injections.
Maybe I’m wrong and this time one of them will surprise me by taking it seriously.
I continue to pray that the truth will sink through to all our loved ones.
Thanks to Steve Kirsch for posting the original video.
as we name it and point it gets closer to gone
Good information!! Hard to believe that so many are still in the dark.