Dying of COV$D: How "Misinformation" Saved My Life
A guest post brilliantly written by ex-NBVD-er, Jane Stillwater
I got to connect with so many critically thinking people via The Navy Blue Venn Diagram (the research group I founded in April 2020, which was the precursor to the freedom cell group I started, Team Sanity, which then got bigger and turned into Sane Francisco). Most of the Navers I was not able to meet (and probably never will since they live in other states or other countries). However, Jane Stillwater, who lives on the other side of the Bridge, was somebody I hung out with in person at some of our Bay Area community gatherings. She’s been writing up a storm about all the nonsense since the beginning of the insanity and I enjoy the WTF tone of her blog posts. This one I absolutely had to publish here (with her permission, of course).
Micro-Spoiler Alert: I love that line about “a miracle called ‘friends’".
It’s all the more poignant as our friend Rick has been in hospital — on and off a ventilator — for over 2 weeks now and we are all praying for his speedy recovery. I’ll be writing a post and sharing a fundraiser to support him and his family soon.
Over to Jane:
While camping in the Sierra mountains two weeks ago, I almost froze my arse off. Not a good look for me. Not at all. "Your nose is blue," said my camping buddy. Take me back to civilization! Too late. I had already caught a chill.
Went to work the next night. Felt like hell. Everything kept violently spinning and spinning whenever I opened my eyes. "Make it stop!" Failed a PCR test. What! After spending over 1008 days traveling all over the entire freaking world in perfect health, has the dread COV$D monster finally snared me in its evil grip? That's just weird.
Three days later, the assistant manager of my apartment complex came to inspect something or other in my unit and found me semi-conscious, collapsed on the bathroom floor, almost dying.
Ambulances were called.
"Don't touch me, don't move me, just let me write out my last will and testament and then shoot me!" I cried as the room continued to spin and spin. My ears hurt. The room spun. I was unable to move. So much pain. Did I really have the dread COV$D? That will teach me to blithely play the fool. Millions have already died of COV$D. Was it now my turn?
At the hospital ER, they could do absolutely nothing helpful. "You must have vertigo." Fine. Just put me out of my pain. They shot me up with Ofirmev, Benadryl, Omnipaque, Toradol, Adivert, Reglan, Zofran and a huge bag full of saline solution. Big Pharma's whole warehouse of weapons went into my arm. Nothing.
"Anything to stop the pain!" I kept begging like the wimp that I was, mentally preparing myself to welcome the Grim Reaper.
They gave me a CT scan. They gave me an electrocardiogram
They gave me another PCR test. "You must have COV$D," my ER doc finally decided. "All we can do now is admit you to the COV$D ward and give you Remdesivir."
Remdesivir? Holy shite! Suddenly I pulled myself back from Walking Toward the Light. "Isn't that the stuff they invented to cure Ebola, only to discover that Remdesivir was actually more deadly than Ebola?" The doctor just shrugged. Remdesivir is almost a death sentence!
Since I'm obviously going to die anyway, let me just go home and die in my bed. Let the Evil Globalist Bastards take over the world without me. The Davo$ Boyz, the Federal Re$erve and all those other big men with slick hair and private jets can now run the planet without me. I. Don't. Care. Because, unlike the rest of you suckers, I'll be dead. "Goodbye cruel world." But somehow I managed to escape the COV$D ward and run for (what was left of) my pathetic life.
And then a miracle happened, a miracle called "friends".
One friend showed up with chicken soup. One friend gave me an acupressure massage. One friend brought me pumpkin pie. Another helped wash my hair. A call went out on the internet to our local anti-vaxxers, the ones who get ridiculed regularly by Rachel Maddow, Jimmy Kimmel and their other cronies on the MSM.
While being force-fed with chicken soup wasn't enough, it was a good start. And then even more "misinformation" started rolling in. Thank God! But what really saved me was the Queen of Misinformation herself. Remember that nursery rhyme they used to sing to us? "In came the doctor. In came the nurse. In came the Lady with the Alligator Purse." And the lady with the alligator purse herself somehow ended up on my doorstep.
"Your blood pressure is low, your blood oxygen is shocking, your blood sugar is definitely not good. We need to bring in the big guns here." Fine with me. Maybe I wouldn't mind not dying after all. I could finish writing my next novel?
She pulled out some Ivermectin. "Horse-dewormer." Ta-da! I was never so glad to see horse de-wormer in my life. What else was in there? Hydroxychloroquine, the med that only fools, Trumpers and COV$D survivors believe in — and also a homeopathic remedy called carbo vegetabilis. You know homeopathy? The latest stuff that Congress is desperately trying to outlaw? And the alligator purse also contained some sort of concoction that the MSM has told us is as dangerous as swallowing bleach.
Then I was also given the usual "misinformation" superstars such as vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K, zinc, quercetin, NAC, serrapeptase, potassium, an herbal immuno-complex, hawthorn, glutathione, and melatonin to help me sleep. All the stuff that Big Pharma hates and FaceBook "fact-checkers" hate too.
The alligator purse appeared to be bottomless — filled to the brim with misinformation heresy. "Do you want to live or don't you?" Sure, why not. The misinformation treatments continued. My blood-oxygen levels shot up. My eyes stopped glazing over. The room finally stopped spinning. I could almost even walk to the bathroom by myself.
Long story short? I'm alive and well today due to "misinformation.”
PS: In contrast, last week a local man who I know had also gotten really sick. He went to the hospital. They gave him "Run, Death is Near," many nurses' generic name for Remdesivir. They put him on a vent. Last thing I heard, his blood oxygen levels were 45 and he was dying. But at least the poor schmuck isn't misinformed! And Big Pharma is making a profit. And FaceBook's fact-checkers highly approve of his treatment.
PPS: Did I even have COV$D or not? My hospital test results are kinda confusing. The report sez I tested positive — but also "presumptive positive or inconclusive." Huh? Then the report goes on to say, "While various diseases and conditions may be discussed in an imaging report, this does not indicate a disease is present. An imaging report may describe common variations of normal anatomy, as well as possible disease, and can only be interpreted in the context of a patient's medical history, examination, and other test results."
Now I'm really confused.
How to survive your hospital visit — more times than we would like to admit, our hospitals don't even have a clue as to what they are doing: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/protocol-kills-protecting-your-rights-at-the-hospital/
"Pizza!" said the Lady with the Alligator Purse:
Then there's the even more intense dangers to our lives from the Deep State, central banking, etc. that even an Alligator Purse won't cure. Please check out Scott Ritter and Greg Mannarino:
Holy bovines, Jane… what a story!
To read Jane Stillwater’s blog, click here
Brilliant! Thanks for re-posting!!
This was great! And a cautionary to anyone contemplating “checking in” to the allopathic death system. Like the roach motel, high probability these days that you won’t check out. :-(