Leslie Manookian is one incredible human being! Watch this interview (74 mins) and find yourself completely inspired! Not only will you learn a lot about how the law works (or is supposed to work), you will be happier for it and feel empowered to continue resisting all the crap that comes at us… I guarantee that.
Leslie is behind so many legal successes in the collective fight against insanity, not least of which the airline mask mandate which was struck down last year.
Videos posted to social media show flight passengers applauding, cheering and removing their masks at the moment the mandate was lifted.
Personal note: I related so much to her experience of when she first learnt — via her homeopath — of all the many harms (including death) that were clearly caused by the childhood vaccine schedule. The same thing happened to me around July 2020, when I began to look into the history of Rockefeller medicine and how their model “works” (Spoiler alert: it works really great… for Big Pharma’s profits). Like her, I was in complete shock that we had all been so utterly deceived into thinking that vaccines prevented disease.
And so many are still so deceived. If you dare to mention the above fact to a person who thinks “vaccines are the greatest invention ever,” you are considered to be a pleb who does not understand science.
I will admit (because I have no problem in admitting I was wrong): I’m sure that 3 years ago I too might have looked down upon somebody who thought similarly. I’m so glad to have learnt what I know now, and to keep learning. The truth can hurt but it is always worth knowing.
Thank you Tessa Lena for this fantastic interview:
Follow Leslie here on her own Substack: https://lesliemanookian.substack.com/
Thank you for posting this awesome interview! I watched it a few days ago and immediately made a donation to Manookian's organization, Health Freedom Defense Fund. I urge others to do so as well!!