In the middle of 2020, two months after I first came to understand the grand deception that went beyond Covid (aka WOKE UP), I officially came out as Sane on Farcebook. If I remember rightly, it was in the last days of May when I decided I could not contain myself any more and announced in a post:
I’m sorry but this whole pandemic thing is complete bullshit!
(Words to that effect.)
Of course I was immediately lambasted and ridiculed by a few hardcore Covidians in my network. Many commenters — a fair portion of whom I considered “friends” at the time — mocked and abused me.
Oh, are you an epidemiologist?
— Nope, and neither is Bill Gates.
This is a very dangerous post, Jet Aime! I don’t want to see it… take it down now!
— Um… no, I will not. How about you mute my profile or unfriend me instead?
Over the next few months, friends, collaborators, co-workers, acquaintances… lots of random people I was connected to over the years, they of course needed to chime in with their public disapproval too.
Take this one guy, someone I knew from my local cafe, always friendly before Our Times of Covid, who decided that instead of sending me a private message, he would write a patronizing comment on my feed, in response to my posting of an infographic which enumerated the 12 Steps to Fascism.
FYI, this was the infographic that got his goat:
Sure Mister, make whatever insulting comment you like, reproach me publicly, liken my views to approaching anti-Semitism, and then unfriend me like the coward you are before I or any other rational person might engage with your points (aka bring you into our cult)!
Soon after coming out, I connected with another artist on the platform who was also vocal, but in a manner that was consistently more aggressive than mine. He too would point out all the inconsistencies and illogic of our so-called pandemic, often mocking or rebuking people who could not — would not — see.
(Me, you see, I would mostly try to engage politely, ask questions, generate a discussion, etc, but even with that, the chiding and the reprimands were off the hook, and there’s only so much abuse a girl can take… Thus, by the end of 2020, I decided to deactivate my main profile in order to start another one which only connected with people who understood the psyop that was being played on the masses).
When we first became FB friends, that fearless artist and I — he was trying to suss out whether I was an ally or not — we had a chat on the Messenger app about the usual stuff: when we had first figured it out, how much we knew, all the issues beyond C-19, all the nonsense, all the theatre, why it was imperative to speak out, etc.
Given that he was far more outspoken than I was and, based on what I could see from scrolling down his profile (he had been going at it from Day 1 of lockdown, if not before), I told him I thought he was very brave, and that I had so much more to say about many other issues that I had slowly been cottoning on to over the last few months.
I told him that I was censoring myself, that I wanted to freely and openly talk about some of these other issues too (eg. Black Lives Matter not being at all an org that actually cared about Black lives… ha, try saying that one to your typical white progressive chamption virtue-signaller here in the Bay Area, although it’s easier now as BLM’s corruption has been exposed in the last couple of years) but that I wasn’t quite there yet. I didn’t feel brave enough. I knew there would be even more repercussions than the ones I was already facing.
I’ll never forget what he said to me:
Jet Aime, let yourself be "cancelled"… it will liberate you.
Well, as a lot of you know, I have said (and done!) a lot these last 2.5 years in real life and on various social media platforms. I have consistently called out the BS, pointing out the obvious. I have written essay-long FB posts on the nonsense, and as of this year I have a Substack. And because of my so-called dangerous views, yes I have been “cancelled” of sorts. Many former “friends” have unfriended or unfollowed me, some openly and dramatically (“OK, you’re officially insane and I’m blocking you now!”) and some covertly (as in, we are still connected on social media but they haven’t spoken to me since mid-2020, or have ignored emails or texts from me). One friend, we had been close for a while but we didn’t hang out as much as we used to, and then certainly not during Our Times of Covid — saw me on the street around Christmas 2020 and actually uttered the sound “Ugh” (I kid you not!) when he saw my face as I greeted him. An arts organization that I requested a letter of support from for a grant application had no qualms about telling me they would not be able to give it due to my non-Covidian views, unless they could be sure they had changed. Wrongthink much? And the B.C. (Before Covid) friends that turned staunch Covidian though never hostile, we are still friendly but we never talk about the elephant in the room. It feels a bit false to avoid the massive subject and to be honest I have lost respect for their critical thinking skills.
So yeah, I feel I’m somewhat “cancelled” in some cases, and kinda self-ostracizing too.
I honestly don’t miss a lot of these people mostly because I appreciate the few close friends I have now. Actually I have lost affinity for the majority of people in the old crowd. They work for non-profits, social justice movements, academia, or arts orgs — basically the zooming class demographic that most willingly imbibed of the Cov-aids — or some of them aspire to be influencers in such circles, and seem to love to #socialjusticehashtag (← a verb I just invented) . They are “smart” in that they have been to all the good schools, well off and/or high achievers, and have all the social justice brownie points they are permitted to collect. It’s a mystery with these peeps: they purport to care about injustice, they bang on about inequality yet somehow they do not see how the poorest members of society have had a massive con-trick played upon them by the wealthiest of the world.
Mes amis et moi
So many examples of our leaders demonstrate “Rules for thee but not for me.”
— How can they not see that we’ve all been scammed?
However there are still some topics which, even for me, it feels difficult to go there, and so I still haven’t yet quite gone there.
I’m very much needing to tho’.
For to pretend that all this non-stop horror, hitting humanity from every angle, ain’t happening isn’t something I can easily do. After all, as we have seen since the beginning of this debacle, silence perpetuates violence.
Relating to relativity
A lot of people in our Sane communities tell me they think that I am brave…
Am I? I guess I am because in this regard, in the way we usually measure attributes like courage, everything is relative. I mean, didn’t I feel like a relative coward 2.5 years ago compared to that FB friend who says whatever he wants to whoever he wants, political correctness be damned?
… but I feel like I need to express so much more on certain subjects I have been silent about. Lives were at stake then, and after the mass coercion injection event — which continues to this day despite the mountain of evidence proving harm — even more are at stake. What we are seeing now is just the tip of the iceberg; the next 2-5 years will sadly show us that.
Oh God, please in the next few years prove me wrong. I so badly want to be wrong about that last sentence.
So I say this now to everyone who — after almost 3 years of this insanity understands what is really going on — and who wants to speak up yet still remains silent, but mostly to myself who still needs to be reminded every day:
Let yourself be "cancelled," it will liberate you!
Increasing liberty — reducing slavedom — that is what I’m here for.
You may be cancelled by those who choose not to see what’s going on, but among us who are curious, humanity loving truth seekers, you will always be celebrated!! Thank you for all you do and keep it up!!
Thank you for being courageous and not giving up/ giving in! I came across your posts via the excellent FB ‘Navy Blue Venn Diagram’, sadly now banned, cancelled and more or less defunct. The level of information exchange and discussion we had there was encouraging and a light in the surrounding darkness.