Honestly, you don’t have to do much to be considered a very bad person in this here town. For example, if you had the idea to conduct a social experiment which consisted of composing a sentence using only four words and with certain rules:
Let the first one be “Make”
The last one has to be “Again”
and then you had to plonk any two random words in between, you’re likely to be loathed.
And even if you’d never ever consider getting those four words stitched onto a hat, let alone a red one, many people in this city…
some of whom know you quite well, have actually known you for years, you have had actual in depth, in-real-life conversations with them about issues you both care about, they have bought your albums, they have watched your videos, they have borne witness to your FB clashes, where you patiently explained that not wanting to vote for Joe didn’t mean you’d be voting for the other molester-in-chief
… will instantly tar you with a MAGA brush, simply for writing four words in that precise order!
Such people possess no sense of irony, they don’t get how ridiculous their rationale is, so they will accuse you in CAPS LOCK of all the wrongthink, and then, when you won’t confess that you are a closet Trumpista, mostly because you’re not impressed by him either, they will unfriend, unfollow, or block with an audible huff and a puff before leaving some damning, concluding comment like “Just admit it: YOU LOVE TRUMP!”
Finally, and so as to firmly entrench their cognitive dissonance, they will use screenshots on a social media post about how [former cool chick] has lost [her] mind and is hot for DT. It’ll fill 'em with glee to make it their mission for that week to try and cancel you. (Sigh…)
(This has happened to me numerous times in the last 2+ years. I was always astounded by the illogic and often tried to “explain,” or debate this with the finger pointers, but in the end could only shake my head and ell oh ell.)
So it’s a good job I didn’t write a post with the above title. Let alone think about making a hat with that slogan. Boy, would I be in trouble.
However, I know I’m going to get some grief for daring to call this city that infamous eff-word, and I’m prepared to take that on the chin. To the O.G. San Franciscans who take offense at “Frisco,” I’m fine with you taking me to task; I will still think you’re 87 times more reasonable than those who suffer from the malady that is TDS.
Postscript: Wow, I’m kinda in shock! I went to find a link to give a simple explanation of what TDS is, in case any of my subscribers were not aware of the acronym, or even what those three letters stood for. Of course, I knew that the first link that comes up — Wikipedia’s — would be completely biased and try to sway the unsuspecting reader (and please, if you didn’t know that Wiki is compromised, please have no shame; I too had no awareness that this “open source” information bank was not what it seems until about 2 years ago). Yep, no surprise at all that this “unbiased” and “neutral” “crowd-funded” platform, bought and paid for by vested interests, put their spin on TDS. So I’m not actually exclaiming “wow” at their opening paragraph of propaganda because I was expecting that. No, it’s the definitions given in a subsequent links, namely Urban Dictionary (especially the third and fourth ones which completely invert the actual meaning of TDS) that stun me. Basically I had no idea this seemingly casual, fun and often funny, mug-selling, slang-checker was compromised too.
But why am I surprised? Practically all of mainstream media is owned by the same fellas.
Anyway, that meant I had to spend some time looking for a real definition. It was not easy, but finally I found something I felt was pretty accurate from reading this story by a writer I didn’t know, about his discussion with a Biden supporter:
“a funny way to describe the enthusiasm with which the left detests DT,”
which he later bullet-points as:
Offensive words are tyranny
People’s actions are irrelevant if thought crimes are suspected
Civil rights only apply conditionally
When challenged with logic, the challenger is racist
In other words: “When someone doesn’t form opinions on the basis of facts, but rather interprets facts to fit their own biases, their worldview is distorted. Rather than observing the world as it is, they are embracing their biases, rationalizing them, and twisting reality to fit those biases.”
And also this one from the same publication. Pretty funny given that it was written in Our Times of Covid.
Please note that, beyond looking in their About section, I haven’t “researched” either of these writers to find out who they voted for, who they slept with, what colour hats they wear, etc. Sorry, but I only linked to those two posts because everything they wrote sounded pretty darned measured and reasonable to me.
I’m aware however that appreciating reasonable positions will never be enough to not get me cancelled. ☀️