I need to write a letter to $cience™ — the academic and medical institutions that are bought-and-paid-for by Big Pharma, that monolithic culture that no longer allows questioning, let alone dissent, the one we call Rockefeller medicine — that would begin:
Dear $cience™,
You really got me thinking these last three years.
For example, can any of you isolate the SARS-CoV-2 virus? This virus that the “pandemic” was predicated upon, the one that had the whole world locking down, socially distancing, wearing masks and being manipulated to have harmful injections forced upon them?
Also, see image below. Is it possible to have a discussion about this?
German engineer, Marvin Haberland, tried to have that discussion in a court of law and failed.
Which means he won!
You see, instead of giving Marvin a chance to provide evidence, the judge decided to close the case and did not pass any sentence.
It makes sense. After all, you wouldn’t want to open up that can of worms to trap a stinky fish.
Please be delighted by Dr Sam Bailey’s interview with Marvin Haberland:
Marvin was challenging a court fine in Germany. He had deliberately broken “corona” legislation to expose the fraudulent nature of virology. He argued that because virology does not follow the scientific method, any penalty notices issued under their Infectious Diseases legislation were illegal.
Marvin finally went to court on 26 April 2023. Listen to what happened and where this might go next as virology derails…
“We have hundreds of letters from virologists all over the world that are confirming they have not done the control experiments, specifically in the genome sequencing. Nobody has done them,” said Marvin.
This 38 minute interview is seriously good news for all of us who knew the Covid narrative was a scam, do take a listen!