The Conspiracy Realist Dance
Predictable proclamations from the CDC ensure that dancing Saners are required to stand up a few minutes after they sat down
Well, look at that now, would you! In the last fortnight, the CDC stated that there is no difference between the V'd and the UnV'd:
Hmm, really?
So it turns out that all the people who were convinced, cajoled or coerced into taking the jab actually didn’t need to do so! And all the people who sensibly refused to stick an untested, experimental cocktail of undisclosed chemicals into their one and only precious body, and who then lost their jobs and livelihoods as a result, could still be employed! And all the millions of people who’ve been treated like lepers since the Vee rollout would have been permitted to cross the sanctified thresholds of their universities, schools, bars, restaurants, gyms, etc, and would not have been rejected by their Covidian friends and families who openly scorned, ridiculed and tried to shame them.
And the most awful: all those people who thought they were doing the right thing — for themselves, and “for the good of society” — who ended up with debilitating afflictions and/or died… will any of these Victims of the Vax ever even be acknowledged let alone compensated?
Even more tragic: think about the children who had no choice, and their poor parents who love them so much they just went along and did it, without checking first.
(I was going to use cry emojis as bullet points but I need to conserve them for the future that I’d rather be wrong about.)
Where is the justice? How about some accountability and apologies for all the many lives lost and damaged? (So many, it’s impossible to count…).
Don't be silly, tyrants and psychopaths are not renowned for their apologies!
As usual, with the latest WTF moment, we are called to stand up and perform The Conspiracy Realist Dance.
How does one do The Conspiracy Realist Dance?
Well, if you find yourself alone at the time of reckoning, the first two moves can be carried out solo:
Shake your head in disbelief
Roll your eyes in resignation
However for enhanced fun and necessary social engagement, this dance is best carried out in two lines with each critical thinker facing a fellow critical thinker. Then you can add the third move:
Step to the right and repeat with next partner
The majority of Sane Franciscans together with all our Sane Allies worldwide are pretty much experts at both variations of this dance, and quite a few of us can now do the first two moves simultaneously. (Tho’ it takes a few years to get to that level. 2.5 years minimum? Ideally you started practicing at least in March 2020, like me for example,. All you relative newbies, be careful before trying such a complicated manoeuvre; it might make you dizzy).
I recommend listening to this 16 minute clip from The Dark Horse podcast. It’s a logic-filled conversation between the husband and wife team, The Weinsteins, on what just happened (what keeps happening, and what will tragically keep on happening).
As Heather says in disdain: Not even an ‘Our Bad!’
And Bret is correct in likening the CDC’s edicts to religious decrees.
Here’s my prayer:
Dear Lord, please keep my mind sane, safe from the Church of Scientism, oh fear-filled cult of irrational, rigid and ever-forgetful followers who pray daily to their diminutive saviour Fauci, asking to be delivered from data, proof and evidence.
No, but seriously I do pray every day, for all of us. I don’t know who I feel the most bad for: the V’d or the UnV’d. Like all of us Saners, I love people in both camps.
Anyway here’s one I can spare, in this moment of reflection it is warranted. 😢
We need an apology tour!
dear ones, thank you for making san francisco 'sane' again...enough so's i'd notice anyways. tis the city of my birth, my wildly creative and joy-filled youth and well beyond. i'll just say how grateful i am to lived through the salad days with many of s.f.s most colorful characters. you remind me of that and them. love, bermuda schwartz