The Host Has Removed You From The Meeting
Social impact researcher, Alison Hawver McDowell, gets bumped off a zoom for talking truth
The full story by AHD is here on her blog.
Writes Alison:
I guess that's what I get for having a conscience around social entrepreneurs and collective impact facilitators.
This clip is three-and-a-half minutes. I didn't expect to get emotional, but I did. I told a lot of truth in a short amount of time. Seems it was more than Nicholas Torres of Social Innovations Journal could handle.
Oh my gosh, the vacant stares! I am pretty sure most of the people in the Brady Bunch grid have no idea what she is talking about. And for the few that do, well… um, it’s kinda awkward, so um… better just turn her off.
AHD continues:
So much for meaningful community participation and relationship building. This demonstrates that the P3 / NGO complex is a theater of busywork to distract well-meaning people as Web3 sensor networks and extended reality are installed around us. It’s happening right before our eyes, but we cannot see it for what it is, an even if we could, we’re far too distracted. What does “community” even mean if we opt to live in a world where we turn children and the most vulnerable into securitized debt, rated in real time by emerging technologies? The professionals fiddle as Rome burns. They, or at least the host, couldn’t handle a mother with a conscience.
To fully understand what AHD is “getting emotional” about, watch this. At 3+ hours, it’s long — Alison has gone deep into areas most can’t fathom — but riveting; truly an excellent exposition of what the Transhumanist Agenda is all about. is a blog created by Alison Hawver McDowell in September of 2016 to address digital curriculum and corporate controlled education. It has since expanded to cover a range of issues related to digital empire building.
“I am writing this blog in tribute to the critically important work on the history of education and its intersections with military research and automation done by brothers David and Douglas Noble. I hope that in some way my words can build upon the strong foundation they have laid.” ~ Alison Hawver McDowell, 2016
You know i value deep over wide, and this post is deep...way too long for one sit, but worth having on file. i'm on the 3 hour movie now and i absolutely love when people can spew all this so well.
The Covid scam ("Public Health promotes the common good", yeah right!) has really opened my eyes to many nefarious initiatives the elites are concocting using the alluring language of social justice. And the frustrating thing is, there are still plenty of social injustices, but THEIR proposed solutions would only exacerbate the real underlying problem of increasing concentration of wealth, power and control in the hands of a few. Time to rise up!