Unvaccinated Volunteers Needed
Ell oh ell, are these people having the biggest laugh or what?!
In case some of you lot are looking for an extra side-hustle, they are “now enrolling”:
REMINDER: They have no intention of ever stopping.
From their website:
Who can participate?
This study is enrolling people who:
Are at least 12 years old
Are generally healthy or have stable chronic conditions and no history of myocarditis or pericarditis (wonder why they need that kind of subject!!!!!)
Have not been vaccinated against COVID-19
Have tested positive for COVID-19 at least once, and the last positive test was at least 28 days prior to beginning the study
There are other study requirements that the study team will discuss with you.
What To Expect
All participants will receive a single injection of the study vaccine. This study does not include a placebo (injection with no active ingredient).
Participants will be enrolled in the study for about six months and will need to attend at least five study visits during this time.
Participants may be reimbursed for expenses and time related to completing study activities.
You can’t make this sheeeeeet up. Umpteen adverse events (aka deaths, paralysis and numerous other life-debilitating conditions) and still, they persist. I guess there’s no harm in trying, right? “In for a penny, in for a pound,” and all that?
Don’t be like the smiling idiot guy in the picture. Take your bike and peg it down the hill, away from these evil pHarma mofos.
Just added to the post: the section from their website
To me that’s like saying “unshot volunteers needed to stand in front of firing squad”.