On Veterans Day We Ask For No More War
A list of countries, a poignant essay and an essential song for today (and sadly not just today)
From the Nation that brought you Peace™
I shared the image below as a postscript in my “No Government” post earlier, 10 minutes before remembering that it was Veterans Day today. I decided to remove it from that post as it warrants heading this one.

Click through to read a moving essay by the Late Frank Hooper (a.k.a. Fleabaggs) of his time in Vietnam
A song that states the obvious
Doesn’t everybody love to sing this song? Don’t we all know the lyrics are 100% right on? And yet the horror continues year after year in parts of the world, caused by the very people who insist they’re trying to improve the lives of people they’re killing.
As my alien alter ego likes to say: “This planet is topsy-turvy!”
Every human being with a right-thinking head and heart agrees that war is horrific. However once you come to learn that all wars are started by the people who profit from wars, it adds an extra dimension to the horror.
All of the death and destruction is in vain. Nobody ever needed to “die (or kill) for their country;” that is a lie we are sold time and time again. Relating back to the post I wrote earlier today: government is a con-trick, and literally so. Gubernare means to govern, rule or direct, and mente means mind. Government literally means control of the mind, as Bob Moran illustrates so well.
thanks again for a micro trip to planet Sanity. if you need a fairy grandmama, i'm here for ya my kindred spirit girl. big love to you.