Sane Francisco introduces 'Wake The Folk Up'
Please subscribe to a new Substack to get updates about a documentary I'm working on, as well as see scenes and other material that didn't make the final cut...
Apologies, there was some confusion with recent posts across two Substacks I manage.
As some of you know since last week, I’ve been working on a documentary with my friend
about the purpose of our Government since February last year called . Please subscribe to that 'stack, and also please check out our trailer and our fundraiser in the introductory post.Here’s some extracts from that post:
Why are we making this film?
The purpose of our film is to ignite a movement of the people to repair our governments, so that we can continue to turn the paper proclamations bequeathed to us by our founders into new discoveries, breakthroughs, and ways of life. As you may now recognize, the anti-human agenda described in the opening of the 1774 Articles of Association “evidently calculated for enslaving [humanity]” is still at work. We need something akin to Thomas Paine's Common Sense, which woke the folk up to that agenda at that time, getting many ordinary people on board with the idea of Liberty; sovereignty on par with The Crown.2
Some quotes by pre-screeners:
“What… is this real? I never knew this was going on!”
“Dang. How do you sleep at night?”
“Wow, that is a lot of f*#kery...”
“Amazing, really great! You've built this like a court case.”
“You & Neshma are tireless in your efforts.”
“Basically provides the solution without forcing it down your throat.”
“I think people who watch this will understand what the essential problem is.”
“I don't get it.”
“I feel moved. My mind is still trying to harmonize all of it.”
“People need to see this.”
“The audience who needs to see this won’t.”
“You put in a lot of work. Huge accomplishment!”
“Thank you, very much.”
Click on John — a man we interviewed — to read the full post:
Thanks so much!
Thanks Yolanda! 🙏🏾✨
totally love the name of your film!
i don't believe the govt can be "repaired" - you can't retrain the cabal.
but i do believe there is a growing population of Americans (like me) who have corrected their Lawful Status as free Americans on the Land and Soil (no longer citizen-slaves)- and that this is the actual People's movement with the Lawful Status to reclaim the Republic intended in 1776. We are a very annoying thorn in defacto govt's side. i think this is where energy and attention should go.
no matter our choice, we here together all keep them spinning wilder wheels across the movie screen while they run for cover with their pants down. Carry on!