Thank you, dear Neshma, aka "Sane Franciscan," so glad to see your post. I wish I were in SF, I'd have so happily gone on the freedom marches with you.
I also thank your friend Cole for her efforts for medical freedom.
In answer to your question, I'm hugely relieved that the party of the mandates and censorship is out, and am cautiously optimistic for the restoration of free speech and some other important steps towards medical freedom. I'm for medical freedom, first and foremost. Without bodily integrity, we are slaves. (If we are slaves, what's the point of debating anything else? It's like coming into your owner's living room to vacuum, or something, and saying you don't happen to like the color of his curtains, or the style of his coffee table. Yeah, well, good luck with an interior decoration contract.) If the "authorities" can mandate a mask or mandate a jab, and that's outrageous as it is, they can mandate anything. Medical freedom requires free speech, ergo, the leading free speech candidate got my support. Therefore, with some reservations, I was hugely relieved with the outcome of this election.
I'm living in a very blue, heavily jabbed area, so I get earfuls of TDS daily. The impression I'm getting is most who have TSD have no clue, none, that there are people like myself, who do not think the Bad Orange Man is all perfect and wonderful, but neither is he the figure they believe him to be; we are aware, as they are not, that the mainstream media has been grossly misrepresenting him and his supporters, in addition to misrepresenting or not reporting at all on a whole slew of other people and events and issues of immense importance to the nation and the world.
For the TSD sufferers whom I know, the Biden health policies were 100% necessary (to them, experimental gene jabs = vaccines = "safe & effective"); "misinformation," as their leaders define it, needs to be controlled and suppressed; and anyone who thinks otherwise is a crank, stupid, backwards, racist, and sexist. They categorize Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as a kook, beneath notice. I've never heard them talk about Kennedy except to dismiss him in one sentence. As for the outcome of the election, the TDS sufferers I know are griefstricken and frightened.
However, I have found, over recent years, that attempting to offer them any tidbits of information to the contrary that they may not be aware of, however gently, however diplomatically, is akin to banging my head against a granite boulder. Well, I like my brain. I use it.
Sooner or later I would expect that some of the TDS sufferers may wake up to the fact that the picture is not all as presented to them by CNN and the New York Times, et al, as you and I already have. However, they can easily "wake up" from their trance without me, or you, or anyone else who happens to be in their orbit, whether in person or online; they just need to step outside their echo chamber of sanctimoniousness and start asking some very basic questions. I'm not too optimistic about that, however. I'm sorry to say that what I observe in the TSD sufferers I run into, they relish in feeling superior to everyone else, and they also really relish in trashing the people who don't happen to agree with them. They take my appalled silence for agreement. I'm at the point now where I find this kind of humorous, like I'm in some sort of Monty Python movie.
In sum, I was delighted to see the anti-free speech people outvoted, and it is my hope that this trend may continue. This isn't to say that the people who voted for my candidate, or any of the other free-speech candidates, are all in agreement, or should all be in agreement about everything. In fact I would expect that, in time, there will be increasing dissension in the ranks over various issues, and even some terrible internecine battles to come. History shows us this. May those who work for freedom keep their eye on that sublime prize, and their wits about them.
Was TDS induced, Transcriber, in order to turn Dems into the party of mandates and censorship? Was that why Trump was so offensive in his language, while doing nothing much to actually change policy from his predecessor? If so, he's one hand of the psyop and it was planned, with his full complicity, to make sure he lost last time so the blame for the CovidCon and Ukraine would go to Biden, allowing him to complete their agenda.
I've been saying for four years that Trump was The Great Setup to The Great Reset.
But it's his position on Israel that takes priority. My vote would have made me complicit in the most unethical, inhumane acts that are possible. Maybe with him, my body wouldn't be a slave to Big Pharma, but I would have sold my soul for it. This is my take on it, if interested:
Would have loved to have you join us T-B. Your experience in your blue state matches ours, here, to a tee. Can’t send any information to most Dems without it being called fake or propaganda, or they get very upset or I get unfollowed. Though, this weekend I had tea with someone who voted for KH but she was very aware of all the shenanigans and in general was just very open to anything even when I disagreed with her on some issues eg. climate change. And I too wanted to listen to her, because she’s real and it’s obvious she’s sincere. We both said that more people need to spend time with people with different views.
And I agree free speech and personal bodily integrity is everything!
I am happy that RFK has been appointed HHS Secretary, with the hope that the worst part of this National Transgression is behind us. But many of my liberal friends are so anti Trump that they will not accept what RFK says and stands for, and they prefer confabulations over substance. An infographic published by Democracy Now that was sent to me tried to represent RFK as a villain and a rapscallion because he was a former democrat. The infographic also said he was a former environmental lawyer (okay- right?) who promotes anti-vaccination conspiracies since 2005, and he's embroiled in animal related controversy (God help me pleeze!). My friends like to point out that he had a brain worm, so he must be demented! The oblique nature of the insults invented to try to defame him are astonishing to me. Then I looked up the lyrics of the song "Elephant Talk" by King Crimson (Too much talk, Small talk, Talk that trash). I looked up the meaning of a simulation. Are we living in a simulation?? Finally I needed to remind myself of the definition of "doublespeak" which is (according to AI): a term for language that is used to deliberately mislead or confuse people by obscuring, distorting, or reversing the meaning of words. So many words come to mind! Conspiracy Theorist ( i.e. Conspiracy Realist). Woke (i.e. Un-woke). Misinformation and Disinformation (i.e. Information). My friends like to remind me that my difference in opinion is stupid. How could I continue to defend the horrible ex democrat environmentalist anti vax conspiracy theorist? How happy must I be that I won't be forced to receive this this life-saving injection. Like most victories this one undoubtably will be short lived; there will be revenants, and the battle rages on!
esg, the dis-/misinformation struggle is real! You laid out so many blatant lies in your comment. I don’t always know how, in the moment, best to deal with the polarities that have been deliberately created but I do keep trying to talk to people and with as much openness as possible, even if I don’t always get that back.
RFK Jr. is a lifelong Progressive Parasite and will be until the day he dies, listen to the language he uses. He's not an Independent, he's a Democrat that participated in a fake fight with the DNC and ended up infiltrating Trump’s campaign with his gang of parasites who hate MAGA. A fight as fake as Robert Malone & Sasha Latypova's- all are Democrats.
Kennedy brought us 12 years of the Obama regime - why didn't Obama give him the HHS position instead of gifting him millions of taxpayer money? No one has asked Bobby or his financial supporter, Catherine Austin Fitts. I'm sure they'll come up with a word salad if someone dares to question them on this topic.
Kennedy was friends with Communist murderer Fidel Castro while Trump reversed Obama's disastrous Cuba policy - again, Kennedy remains a Democrat. He can't fool us Independents.
Trump is an idiot for allowing Kennedy and his gang of Progressive Parasites, including the Vaccine Frankenstein (Robert Malone), Mr. DigitalID (Steve Kirsch) and Bret Weinstein, who threatened Trump with assassination if he didn't pick Kennedy as his VP. All are Democrats pretending to be Independents/Populists. I've been calling them out since the three stooges showed up in the mostly Conservative freedom movement. They're all posers.
Gracias, hermana. Unfortunately for many folks, I listen carefully to certain "leaders" and create databases with their videos/transcripts/articles. That's how I track their lies and games they play.
And I love to follow the money. Pierre Kory changed his website after I exposed the dark money that gets washed through FLCCC...
Bottom line - all of these "leaders" are connected (with dark money funneled throughout their businesses and NGOs) as seen on my kumu map
I don't think any politician will check every box but at least if RFK is confirmed then there will probably be some changes to the vaccine schedule and vaccine mandates, which is a common concern I think most of us share. I get it: RFK, Malone, Weinstein, Trump, Castro, Fitts, Latypova are all freaking TOOLS and IDIOTS (am I an idiot? LOL!).
Your antipathy is like yelling at the wind. It changes nothing. I think we would agree that all of it is a shit show b rated horror movie unfolding in front of us. Your map is really cool. It shows an interconnected and intentional attempt to influence everyone's attitudes in the interest of money and capital over pure altruism. But isn't this the definition of politics since day one?
As far as the MAGA: in my opinion it also smacks of platitudes. Tell me what Great America are we now trying to return to? When I look to the past all I see is war, economic inequality, and irresponsible governance.
Actually, you are wrong. When I exposed that Robert Malone wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids, it shook up some institutions that were supporting him and it woke up thousands of MFM followers, so yes, my research has been impactful.
My kumu map is widely shared by top influencers on Substack, Rumble and Locals. Again, my research has been very impactful. Every day, someone wakes up after seeing the web of deception. Without my research, they wouldn't be able to visualize it. Now they connect the dots.
I never said that Kennedy & his gang of Progressive Parasites were idiots, I wrote that Trump is an idiot.
Kennedy wants to use other people's kids as guinea pigs for big pharma when he runs clinical trials to test vaccine safety- how is that going to reduce the vaccine schedule? It's not. He's not an antivaxxer, he's made that very clear.
I have a database on Kennedy, I've been following his script for a long time. I predicted the hijacking of Conservative media & Trump circle. It was clear to me because I listened to what is said and watch what they did.
Under Trump’s policies, Americans were doing better financially. Income inequality will always exist all over the world- that's not an American problem. As JD Vance has shown, an underserved kid from Appalachia can become wealthy and end up in the White House. If you don't believe that America has been great, it's obvious you've never experienced poverty in a 3rd world shithole - where income inequality is rampant and real.
Which country has a government that isn't corrupt?
I really really hope we don’t get led down another slaughter path, this one paved with the whispers of the dissenters’ voices. Very cautiously relieved Dems got ousted (as an ex-liberal, even more meaningful to admit) but have very little faith with trump admin. Touching grass more often these days.
Yes this is where I’m at, Visc. Ex-“lib” here too, kinda I guess. Touching grass, walking on sand, crossing fingers, watching and listening a lot… (maybe too much.)
I loved what Cole said and I loved seeing your bright beautiful face on the beach. I personally am elated by Bobby's appointment. If you don't already, read the Coffee and Covid Substack today where Jeff talks about the 4 d chess moves to get Trump's appointments confirmed.
87% IS up there...I've never agreed with any politician 100%. I was relieved that the party of war, transgender nonsense, forced mandates, forced vaccinations, censorship, and hypocrisy was rejected by a huge margin. Now we'll see what happens. Nice to see you on the beach...💕
Or any person 100%, right? I’m around a lot of friends that I love and vice versa and we don’t agree on absolutely everything. I’m sure that’s the same for you and everyone who’s watching these big world events. On the matter of the election (selection?), I would love to believe that DT is on the side of the people. But I’m seeing the cabinet picks and I feel wary. A friend I saw this weekend contextualized his picks for me. I want him to be right. But oh, the AIPAC thing…
The movements in the capital have mirror movements in the city. The media is lessened locally, but everything local is more tangible. City hall and Sacramento have also received a clear message from the voters, and I’m turning my eyes to them.
As a former SF Peninsula resident whose family is almost entirely made up of Covidians, it's very heartening to hear that there's a medical freedom group in SF. I'm now in a little town in the Sierra Nevada foothills, and have yet to find my fellow dissidents, but I'm slowly working on it.
I too am a recovering liberal, but distrust both parties, and didn't vote for either candidate, for the reason that Tereza explained elsewhere. My parents raised me to be a good Democrat as I was growing up in the 60s. But something went wrong with my brain (hah!), even before the Scamdemic, and I'm still trying to understand why.
Hi Mark, yes there's a few groups here including mine, Sane Francisco. You will find your peeps, I am sure. Me, I seem to find 'em wherever I go! Even on a flight back from London to SF a few weeks ago… I just happened to be chatting to a really nice woman near the loo and then suddenly we figured out we were like-minded. Well, maybe I should say I was dropping hints and suddenly she picked up and then we talked for hours.
And yes, that was my reason too for not voting for either major candidate.
Trump demolished many of Obama's policies when he was POTUS. The RiNOs and Progressive Parasites stopped him on others, like DACA/DAPA. Operation Warp Speed and mRNA funding happened under Obama - I could go on. I'm always amused when no one mentions Qatar and their powers in the US, instead they focus on Israel. Attorney Robert Barnes discusses Qatar's influence in the US, as well as the Chinese- both control our schools. I never noticed this discrepancy until Barnes talked about it🤔
Wow, another sane voice in the madness of the modern Bay Area! Glad I found you. I grew up in Berkeley and still live in the east bay. Was a lifelong liberal but my how things have changed. Been feeling alone in the wilderness so nice to connect with another awakened spirit. I just subscribed so look forward to future posts.
Hey Gabe, nice to connect, and I totally relate with your first and third sentences! We're having a gathering this Sunday from 4-7; maybe you want to join us and meet more Saners? If you DM me, I can tell you more...
In this interview, Catherine Austin Fitts lies about the candidate she donated money to - Communist pig Robert F Kennedy Jr. - why does she lie to her followers? She claims that the Communist pig delivered a landslide for Trump. She's full of shit.
Trump won in 2016, 2020 and 2024 in spite of Kennedy and his gang of lifelong Progressive Parasites attacking him. The 2024 numbers were similar to 2020 - except that Kennedy took 700k votes away from Trump. That's what Kennedy did, take votes away from Trump.
CAF needs to stop lying.
Why does CAF support the guy who wants to use other people's kids as guinea pigs for big pharma?
Thank you, dear Neshma, aka "Sane Franciscan," so glad to see your post. I wish I were in SF, I'd have so happily gone on the freedom marches with you.
I also thank your friend Cole for her efforts for medical freedom.
In answer to your question, I'm hugely relieved that the party of the mandates and censorship is out, and am cautiously optimistic for the restoration of free speech and some other important steps towards medical freedom. I'm for medical freedom, first and foremost. Without bodily integrity, we are slaves. (If we are slaves, what's the point of debating anything else? It's like coming into your owner's living room to vacuum, or something, and saying you don't happen to like the color of his curtains, or the style of his coffee table. Yeah, well, good luck with an interior decoration contract.) If the "authorities" can mandate a mask or mandate a jab, and that's outrageous as it is, they can mandate anything. Medical freedom requires free speech, ergo, the leading free speech candidate got my support. Therefore, with some reservations, I was hugely relieved with the outcome of this election.
I'm living in a very blue, heavily jabbed area, so I get earfuls of TDS daily. The impression I'm getting is most who have TSD have no clue, none, that there are people like myself, who do not think the Bad Orange Man is all perfect and wonderful, but neither is he the figure they believe him to be; we are aware, as they are not, that the mainstream media has been grossly misrepresenting him and his supporters, in addition to misrepresenting or not reporting at all on a whole slew of other people and events and issues of immense importance to the nation and the world.
For the TSD sufferers whom I know, the Biden health policies were 100% necessary (to them, experimental gene jabs = vaccines = "safe & effective"); "misinformation," as their leaders define it, needs to be controlled and suppressed; and anyone who thinks otherwise is a crank, stupid, backwards, racist, and sexist. They categorize Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as a kook, beneath notice. I've never heard them talk about Kennedy except to dismiss him in one sentence. As for the outcome of the election, the TDS sufferers I know are griefstricken and frightened.
However, I have found, over recent years, that attempting to offer them any tidbits of information to the contrary that they may not be aware of, however gently, however diplomatically, is akin to banging my head against a granite boulder. Well, I like my brain. I use it.
Sooner or later I would expect that some of the TDS sufferers may wake up to the fact that the picture is not all as presented to them by CNN and the New York Times, et al, as you and I already have. However, they can easily "wake up" from their trance without me, or you, or anyone else who happens to be in their orbit, whether in person or online; they just need to step outside their echo chamber of sanctimoniousness and start asking some very basic questions. I'm not too optimistic about that, however. I'm sorry to say that what I observe in the TSD sufferers I run into, they relish in feeling superior to everyone else, and they also really relish in trashing the people who don't happen to agree with them. They take my appalled silence for agreement. I'm at the point now where I find this kind of humorous, like I'm in some sort of Monty Python movie.
In sum, I was delighted to see the anti-free speech people outvoted, and it is my hope that this trend may continue. This isn't to say that the people who voted for my candidate, or any of the other free-speech candidates, are all in agreement, or should all be in agreement about everything. In fact I would expect that, in time, there will be increasing dissension in the ranks over various issues, and even some terrible internecine battles to come. History shows us this. May those who work for freedom keep their eye on that sublime prize, and their wits about them.
Was TDS induced, Transcriber, in order to turn Dems into the party of mandates and censorship? Was that why Trump was so offensive in his language, while doing nothing much to actually change policy from his predecessor? If so, he's one hand of the psyop and it was planned, with his full complicity, to make sure he lost last time so the blame for the CovidCon and Ukraine would go to Biden, allowing him to complete their agenda.
I've been saying for four years that Trump was The Great Setup to The Great Reset.
But it's his position on Israel that takes priority. My vote would have made me complicit in the most unethical, inhumane acts that are possible. Maybe with him, my body wouldn't be a slave to Big Pharma, but I would have sold my soul for it. This is my take on it, if interested:
A few of my very good friends disagree with me about I/P but that is also why I couldn’t vote for DT in the end.
Would have loved to have you join us T-B. Your experience in your blue state matches ours, here, to a tee. Can’t send any information to most Dems without it being called fake or propaganda, or they get very upset or I get unfollowed. Though, this weekend I had tea with someone who voted for KH but she was very aware of all the shenanigans and in general was just very open to anything even when I disagreed with her on some issues eg. climate change. And I too wanted to listen to her, because she’s real and it’s obvious she’s sincere. We both said that more people need to spend time with people with different views.
And I agree free speech and personal bodily integrity is everything!
I am happy that RFK has been appointed HHS Secretary, with the hope that the worst part of this National Transgression is behind us. But many of my liberal friends are so anti Trump that they will not accept what RFK says and stands for, and they prefer confabulations over substance. An infographic published by Democracy Now that was sent to me tried to represent RFK as a villain and a rapscallion because he was a former democrat. The infographic also said he was a former environmental lawyer (okay- right?) who promotes anti-vaccination conspiracies since 2005, and he's embroiled in animal related controversy (God help me pleeze!). My friends like to point out that he had a brain worm, so he must be demented! The oblique nature of the insults invented to try to defame him are astonishing to me. Then I looked up the lyrics of the song "Elephant Talk" by King Crimson (Too much talk, Small talk, Talk that trash). I looked up the meaning of a simulation. Are we living in a simulation?? Finally I needed to remind myself of the definition of "doublespeak" which is (according to AI): a term for language that is used to deliberately mislead or confuse people by obscuring, distorting, or reversing the meaning of words. So many words come to mind! Conspiracy Theorist ( i.e. Conspiracy Realist). Woke (i.e. Un-woke). Misinformation and Disinformation (i.e. Information). My friends like to remind me that my difference in opinion is stupid. How could I continue to defend the horrible ex democrat environmentalist anti vax conspiracy theorist? How happy must I be that I won't be forced to receive this this life-saving injection. Like most victories this one undoubtably will be short lived; there will be revenants, and the battle rages on!
esg, the dis-/misinformation struggle is real! You laid out so many blatant lies in your comment. I don’t always know how, in the moment, best to deal with the polarities that have been deliberately created but I do keep trying to talk to people and with as much openness as possible, even if I don’t always get that back.
RFK Jr. is a lifelong Progressive Parasite and will be until the day he dies, listen to the language he uses. He's not an Independent, he's a Democrat that participated in a fake fight with the DNC and ended up infiltrating Trump’s campaign with his gang of parasites who hate MAGA. A fight as fake as Robert Malone & Sasha Latypova's- all are Democrats.
Kennedy brought us 12 years of the Obama regime - why didn't Obama give him the HHS position instead of gifting him millions of taxpayer money? No one has asked Bobby or his financial supporter, Catherine Austin Fitts. I'm sure they'll come up with a word salad if someone dares to question them on this topic.
Kennedy was friends with Communist murderer Fidel Castro while Trump reversed Obama's disastrous Cuba policy - again, Kennedy remains a Democrat. He can't fool us Independents.
Trump is an idiot for allowing Kennedy and his gang of Progressive Parasites, including the Vaccine Frankenstein (Robert Malone), Mr. DigitalID (Steve Kirsch) and Bret Weinstein, who threatened Trump with assassination if he didn't pick Kennedy as his VP. All are Democrats pretending to be Independents/Populists. I've been calling them out since the three stooges showed up in the mostly Conservative freedom movement. They're all posers.
LGP you aren’t everyone’s “cup of tea” but when I see your comments here on Substack or get your occasional Substack…I always read them!
Con cariño…FL 💓
Gracias, hermana. Unfortunately for many folks, I listen carefully to certain "leaders" and create databases with their videos/transcripts/articles. That's how I track their lies and games they play.
And I love to follow the money. Pierre Kory changed his website after I exposed the dark money that gets washed through FLCCC...
Bottom line - all of these "leaders" are connected (with dark money funneled throughout their businesses and NGOs) as seen on my kumu map
LGP, thank you for all your comments on this piece. I haven't had a chance to look into all that you say but I did read them.
I don't think any politician will check every box but at least if RFK is confirmed then there will probably be some changes to the vaccine schedule and vaccine mandates, which is a common concern I think most of us share. I get it: RFK, Malone, Weinstein, Trump, Castro, Fitts, Latypova are all freaking TOOLS and IDIOTS (am I an idiot? LOL!).
Your antipathy is like yelling at the wind. It changes nothing. I think we would agree that all of it is a shit show b rated horror movie unfolding in front of us. Your map is really cool. It shows an interconnected and intentional attempt to influence everyone's attitudes in the interest of money and capital over pure altruism. But isn't this the definition of politics since day one?
As far as the MAGA: in my opinion it also smacks of platitudes. Tell me what Great America are we now trying to return to? When I look to the past all I see is war, economic inequality, and irresponsible governance.
Actually, you are wrong. When I exposed that Robert Malone wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids, it shook up some institutions that were supporting him and it woke up thousands of MFM followers, so yes, my research has been impactful.
My kumu map is widely shared by top influencers on Substack, Rumble and Locals. Again, my research has been very impactful. Every day, someone wakes up after seeing the web of deception. Without my research, they wouldn't be able to visualize it. Now they connect the dots.
I never said that Kennedy & his gang of Progressive Parasites were idiots, I wrote that Trump is an idiot.
Kennedy wants to use other people's kids as guinea pigs for big pharma when he runs clinical trials to test vaccine safety- how is that going to reduce the vaccine schedule? It's not. He's not an antivaxxer, he's made that very clear.
I have a database on Kennedy, I've been following his script for a long time. I predicted the hijacking of Conservative media & Trump circle. It was clear to me because I listened to what is said and watch what they did.
Under Trump’s policies, Americans were doing better financially. Income inequality will always exist all over the world- that's not an American problem. As JD Vance has shown, an underserved kid from Appalachia can become wealthy and end up in the White House. If you don't believe that America has been great, it's obvious you've never experienced poverty in a 3rd world shithole - where income inequality is rampant and real.
Which country has a government that isn't corrupt?
I really really hope we don’t get led down another slaughter path, this one paved with the whispers of the dissenters’ voices. Very cautiously relieved Dems got ousted (as an ex-liberal, even more meaningful to admit) but have very little faith with trump admin. Touching grass more often these days.
Yes this is where I’m at, Visc. Ex-“lib” here too, kinda I guess. Touching grass, walking on sand, crossing fingers, watching and listening a lot… (maybe too much.)
I loved what Cole said and I loved seeing your bright beautiful face on the beach. I personally am elated by Bobby's appointment. If you don't already, read the Coffee and Covid Substack today where Jeff talks about the 4 d chess moves to get Trump's appointments confirmed.
Thanks Peggy! I do follow the C&C Substack. Will read that one soon…
87% IS up there...I've never agreed with any politician 100%. I was relieved that the party of war, transgender nonsense, forced mandates, forced vaccinations, censorship, and hypocrisy was rejected by a huge margin. Now we'll see what happens. Nice to see you on the beach...💕
Or any person 100%, right? I’m around a lot of friends that I love and vice versa and we don’t agree on absolutely everything. I’m sure that’s the same for you and everyone who’s watching these big world events. On the matter of the election (selection?), I would love to believe that DT is on the side of the people. But I’m seeing the cabinet picks and I feel wary. A friend I saw this weekend contextualized his picks for me. I want him to be right. But oh, the AIPAC thing…
Thanks Heather 💕
Thank you same and have a marvelous day. Maybe I can buy you a cup of coffee sometime.
The movements in the capital have mirror movements in the city. The media is lessened locally, but everything local is more tangible. City hall and Sacramento have also received a clear message from the voters, and I’m turning my eyes to them.
Think local, stay sane! Btw, I mention a bit of our cool Sunday conversation in a comment above. I’m keeping my eyes open too. 😎
As a former SF Peninsula resident whose family is almost entirely made up of Covidians, it's very heartening to hear that there's a medical freedom group in SF. I'm now in a little town in the Sierra Nevada foothills, and have yet to find my fellow dissidents, but I'm slowly working on it.
I too am a recovering liberal, but distrust both parties, and didn't vote for either candidate, for the reason that Tereza explained elsewhere. My parents raised me to be a good Democrat as I was growing up in the 60s. But something went wrong with my brain (hah!), even before the Scamdemic, and I'm still trying to understand why.
Hi Mark, yes there's a few groups here including mine, Sane Francisco. You will find your peeps, I am sure. Me, I seem to find 'em wherever I go! Even on a flight back from London to SF a few weeks ago… I just happened to be chatting to a really nice woman near the loo and then suddenly we figured out we were like-minded. Well, maybe I should say I was dropping hints and suddenly she picked up and then we talked for hours.
And yes, that was my reason too for not voting for either major candidate.
Trump demolished many of Obama's policies when he was POTUS. The RiNOs and Progressive Parasites stopped him on others, like DACA/DAPA. Operation Warp Speed and mRNA funding happened under Obama - I could go on. I'm always amused when no one mentions Qatar and their powers in the US, instead they focus on Israel. Attorney Robert Barnes discusses Qatar's influence in the US, as well as the Chinese- both control our schools. I never noticed this discrepancy until Barnes talked about it🤔
Thanks for giving me another rabbit hole to go down! I had not heard of this.
Wow, another sane voice in the madness of the modern Bay Area! Glad I found you. I grew up in Berkeley and still live in the east bay. Was a lifelong liberal but my how things have changed. Been feeling alone in the wilderness so nice to connect with another awakened spirit. I just subscribed so look forward to future posts.
Hey Gabe, nice to connect, and I totally relate with your first and third sentences! We're having a gathering this Sunday from 4-7; maybe you want to join us and meet more Saners? If you DM me, I can tell you more...
Oh thanks. Probably won’t make it this Sunday but will keep in touch about future gatherings.
Sounds good!
In this interview, Catherine Austin Fitts lies about the candidate she donated money to - Communist pig Robert F Kennedy Jr. - why does she lie to her followers? She claims that the Communist pig delivered a landslide for Trump. She's full of shit.
Trump won in 2016, 2020 and 2024 in spite of Kennedy and his gang of lifelong Progressive Parasites attacking him. The 2024 numbers were similar to 2020 - except that Kennedy took 700k votes away from Trump. That's what Kennedy did, take votes away from Trump.
CAF needs to stop lying.
Why does CAF support the guy who wants to use other people's kids as guinea pigs for big pharma?