9/11: A Conspiracy Theory by James Corbett | The Voice of Micropixie | WTFU
The launch of a new project today
UPDATE (October 12th): For those who asked if I had a non-Substack link, I have now uploaded the video to Rumble. Otherwise you can watch it on this platform below, right at the end of this post.
23 years (and 1 day) ago, something massively shocking and tragic occurred and the world has never been the same since.
Today, I’m sharing a new project with you — The Voice of Micropixie — as part of my Wake The Folk Up series. For the inaugural piece, I’m going with the words of intrepid independent journalist, James Corbett, since he wrote such a fabulous script questioning details of the 9/11 event.
Why MPX-VOX tho’?
I had the idea to make this particular piece (and then a series) 4 years ago after I shared with some not-yet-on-Team-Reality friends a few compelling videos from The Corbett Report on [certain topics that still cannot be mentioned in polite SF society without causing consternation] as well as other significant historical events.
The immediate response from a couple of them was, “Ugh, I don’t like his voice!”
(There’s always a reason not to click the link, right? Sigh…)
Well, since they were Micropixie music fans, I knew they liked my voice so I wondered how they would respond if I were to read out some of his words.
I then wondered how they would receive the words of other sane thinkers I follow (or even the sane words of thinkers I don’t follow, or maybe don’t always agree with) if they were transmitted via the voice of my musical alter ego, an alien space traveller?
Given how echo-chambered we’ve become, it’s possible that none of the friends who prefer to remain oblivious will ever click on anything I ever send, but it planted the desire in me to try. After all, art is all about experimentation aka trying, innit.
Going back to the sound of music, and laughing with it
With the ever-accelerating insanity, especially in the build up of what promises to be the most crazy US election ever, as well as cruel, calamitous and chaotic events worldwide, I’m in sore need for more laughter. Also, after 4.5 years of existing in the truther space, and after having spent a large portion of that time trying to bring together those who did not agree with authoritarian mandates and censorship (which unwittingly became a full-time job and then some), I didn’t really have the time to promote and share my music. And, I will confess, it was hard to approach my work in the same way as I did before March 2020. After all, once I started to learn about the mass deceptions of our world, it made me think again about my purpose in life and what narratives I had been reinforcing, especially via my musical expression. Even though I frequently covered “big” issues1 in my music and videos, after March 2020 I came to realize that quite a few of my “social justice” opinions had been socially engineered, i.e. I had been propagandized. That then made me cop to the fact that I was wrong — so very wrong! — in many of my assessments.
(And that’s why I tend to reflect more carefully on what message I work to put out now.)
That’s where The Voice of Micropixie project come in. With it, I’ll be able to merge some of what I love doing: playing with sound and music, laughing, and hopefully some truth-spreading.
But what about new Micropixie music?
I’m often asked when I will put out my next album. Believe me, it’s not that I don’t have a keen desire to do that (I dream about it, and I actually do have some strong ideas for a new album, the type that have stayed with me for several years now) but a big part of my time right now is taken up with tying up a lot of loose ends on other projects and collaborations, not to mention working as a freelancer and surviving in San Francisco. I have in my mind the compelling titles of two potential albums (which is how an album’s concept usually start with me) and I know in my heart, based on previous experience, that inspiration to act will come when it’s ready (as it did with all my previous sonic babies). I also need to carve out a chunk of time and space to fully focus on that score as well as save up money for production costs… I know it is coming and it will happen!
And now, introducing the first of The Voice of Micropixie videos
James, in his sardonic style, somehow makes the story behind the failed investigation of 9/11 almost comical, challenging those who believe the official narrative to reconsider the propaganda put out by our government and their partners in crime, mainstream media. His 5 minute video is a classic amongst conspiracy theorists critical thinkers.
I initially intended to use James’ original visuals but then I realized I could have a bit of fun using Substack’s AI image generator to create some of the images. Thus my video is an amalgam of his visuals and mine.
And before I get chastised for real, here’s that imaginary conversation with people who no longer speak to me after I transformed, in their eyes, into a grandma-killer:
SJW: MPX! Why you are amplifying the voices of cis white men?!
MPX: Um… I’m looking for more ways to get me cancelled? 🤷🏽♀️
James Corbett’s original video which inspired me can be seen here.
After all, MPX is an alien trying to figure out what is happening on our topsy-turvy planet.
This is great and you have a wonderful voice, but I have to admit when I saw "MPX" my first thought was that this was something about monkey pox, which I have seen referred to by other writers as MPox. But thank you for all you do, Sane Franciscan/Micropixie! I am so thankful for the sane minds and voices out there!
I am a fan of James, as you know, but JCxMPX is truth brought to a whole new level of fun. On one of my episodes on James, someone wrote that his constant tone of sarcasm put them off. At the time, I thought, "What? That's his most delightful trait!" But I began to see what they meant.
However, your dulcet tones with his snappy juxtapositions is just the right blend. This is brilliant. I don't know if anything was completely new but to see it all in one place was phenomenal.