There's a massive re-alignment underway and even "the political compass" (right - left / authoritarian - libertarian) doesn't really do. But it's another graphic to ponder... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Political_Compass#/media/File:Political_Compass_purple_LibRight.svg ... At least I hope it shakes out into something more interesting than L/R!

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Yes, the square is far more interesting than the two arrows. And then of course a Venn diagram with a growing number of circles leaves us with many more options...

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My personal hope is not to have too too many options (I'm done with the postmodern shredder!) but just a fresh new direction ... going somewhere actually good :-)

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Yeah 8 billion options might be a bit too much. :)

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Thanks for smashing the duopoly! Check out what a SANE friend of mine in Washington DC wrote about the emerging post-partisan world:


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👏🏽 I love that conversation you all had. Completely SANE, the lot of you! And it was good to see Carol after all this time too.

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It's an excellent article and she links to a blog which describes the collapse of the previous movement. The medical freedom movement should learn those lessons.



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At the DMV today to renew my license (no Real ID for me) I was prompted to update my voting registration info. I got to the "political party" section and was about to disavow my 40+ years of Democrat affiliation, based on their behavior over the last 3 years, with one of the other 15 or so choices & at the last minute remembered that RFK, Jr. may run for the Dem nomination. I'll hang in there for this cycle, but the taste in my mouth is still sour.

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Wouldn’t it be great to have some decent people to vote for in the Dem party?! As it stands currently I pretty much loathe all of them. The last 3 years showed what utter hypocrites they are.

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I guess they saved a registration.

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The only reason name calling works on somebody is because they think those are bad words. But are they? Like, "Republican", "climate change denier", "anti-vxxer" (being a proud one). If not, it just sounds very silly. "the people who don't want anything to do with either group"??? Very nice and not divisive at all. Enough of this Marxist*) division of people into "groups"? Everybody is an individual. And I much prefer the expression "exhausted majority" **)

*) before I'm shoved into a box, I grew up under a communist regime, "groups" and classes fighting each other are an outright Marxist construct.

**) it's apparent in countries with more than 2 parties and less partisanship that the majority isn't squarely divided into left and right.

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Totally agree. I have major group fatigue to go with your “exhausted majority!”

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Yes of course there’s nothing wrong with most of those words. It’s the way those words are flung (and received). 3 years ago I would have been horrified to be called an “anti-vaxxer”... today I count myself lucky to have taken the time to understand the horrors of the injection campaign even before the C-19 one that was foisted upon most of humanity, so if that makes me an “anti-vaxxer” now, so be it.

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I've found that it's the best to take things face value. If somebody is telling me that "some name calling" are crazy dangerous people for expressing their ideas and concerns, I can't tell what they are, but I can tell that this person is full of fear and hate.

Socrates Triple Filter applies too:


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I love that three part test, thank you for posting!

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Yep, still the sanest of them all! Thank you for this timely message, so right on.

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Aw, thank you, Kathy. You are very much missed here... I hope you are still loving your new life in AZ. Will call to catch up soon <3

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Wow! Was just thinking about this today. If we’re politically homeless there’s no box around us and that’s not good for the narrative spinners who have a narrative worked out for every political home, or should I say prison. It’s much safer to be ‘homeless’ in this instance, that way you can travel up into space, into the cosmos, see things from way over there, and come back to earth, come and go as you please bc you’re free from the pull of ideologies and group think. The psyops are less likely to work on you bc you’re outside of them and can see them happening.

Lots of love and thanks for the essay!

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Quite right, those boxes are prisons which is exactly where they want us: stuck in ideological prisons. Congrats to all of us who freed ourselves from this mental jail!

Lots of love back, Nadia, xo

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May I suggest an alternative duopoly; free vs. Non- free, and start with the willingness to listen to anyone say anything, and have a conversation about it. All sides invited. We don't all have to agree on anything.

And let's try to see behind the curtain to those forcing the other duopoly on us!

And learn about Bitcoin- honest, permissionless, undilutable. The escape hatch from the puppet masters

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Agree with all you say!

(although I’m relatively new to crypto and not a Bitcoiner).

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