bless your creativity Sane.

govt has no purpose.

disband and execute

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That is a legit response YPH ✨

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I know you’re far from SF now but I hope you are able to come to the premiere. It may not be what you perhaps imagine it to be based on what I wrote above. 🤓

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Just keep me in your communication loop - and know that i do not have internet at my new place because i won't "activate" a radioactive satellite dish on my roof to nuke me - so i'm going to learn to go slower, trust more, and be more patient.

i don't know what to imagine you are crafting, so no, i have no expectations, and am always excited to see what you create

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Your new home sounds lovely 💛

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Wow Ms Chief, it seems you are up to much good Mis-chief, I cannot wait to explore your interviews!

Yolanda below has got it in her own way, I believe, as she ends with "disband and execute".

However, I propose a furtherance of thought:

Yes, government, of any kind, dictatorial to socialist democracy, HAS A PURPOSE.

Its purpose is POWER OVER (through fraud and/or psychological/physical force) most individuals by a few individuals in order to CONTROL THEM.


THE Question is: why do these few feel compelled to control the many?

Does every individual need/want to control others?

Are we born this way?

Or is this from nurture?

Or both?

Do you need/want to control another, if so, why?

Join us tomorrow, Sunday, Sept 24, New Zealand 9am, which is Saturday, Sept 23, afternoon, U.S., for very relevant to this topic session 47.The Psychology of Power–How to Dethrone Tyrants


Gentlewhile, get free, stay safe.

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Working on the doc! Hope to reply soon ✨

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Thank you EVJ! 🙏🏾

Those are very good questions you ask, and I’m with you in much that you state as fact. There is so much corruption within government, and we have fascism right now... clearly there is a desire for power and control over us. Currently we have a governmental system that we cannot easily extricate ourselves from. If there must be government, I’m for the most limited kind.

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It will be useful I think, SF (still wish I had thought of that!), once you finish your interviews, to collocate the replies in some way that clarifies the premises/suppositions the repliers have (probably unexamined).

I will be pleased to work with you on that if interested. Email Jack: responsiblyfree@protonmail.com

I look forward to reading the responses.

When I view the comments here, including yours, they are what we Voluntaryists consistently get as “reasons” for what we call “Statism” (a short for all kinds of governments).

Voluntaryists have rational arguments against all of your Statists declared and undeclared premises/suppositions.

The first one I would like you all to challenge is your supposition that “there must be a government”. We have, I think, conclusion, rational arguments why that is not so.

The second one is that ANY government is, and must be, properly defined, “corrupt”—because they ALL use first physical force upon their “citizens”.

You and I cannot do that—we are, properly morally, labelled a “criminal”; but when they do that they are improperly immorally, labelled “government”.

I suggest all of you attend our online, ongoing, free and (hopefully) freeing tutorial “The Philosophy of Responsible Freedom” where you will encounter Voluntaryist arguments for a responsibly free, voluntarily ordered society --and you can dialogue with persons taking your Statists views as well.

Here for the 50 videos; next weekend we are on a key topic relevant to our discussion here, 48.Freedom vs. Force – The Individual and the State


And here for the best, and maybe the first Voluntaryist website, The Voluntaryist, where you will find clear definitions and, I hope, thought provoking ideas as to why Statism is a morally abhorrent belief/practice that like Slavery is destined for History’s rubbish bin. https://voluntaryist.com/

Here is perhaps the most succinct, rational and humorous argument against Statism by an unknown Voluntaryist:

“Statism: the brilliant idea that we give a small group of people the right to kidnap, steal from, and kill us, so that we can be ‘protected’ from people who kidnap, steal from, and kill us.” Author Unknown

Get free, stay safe.

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I agree with everything you say EVF. Does that surprise you? I’m making a film about the purpose of our government with my collaborator and I align so much with voluntarism. Will definitely look at your links as soon as I get a mo’. I’m knee-deep in commitments right now. Love your comments and push for people to understand this knowledge. I will email you at some point. Bit hectic at the mo’.

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Great post, thanks, put this there.

Well, and Voluntaryistly, done, SF!

Except for, why did you end up voting?

Not that it mattered to the public outcome methinks, but can you explain why in terms of your personal outcome?

Join us on this coming weekend for a tumble in our Tumbler of Ideas.

Get free, stay safe.

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The current purpose of government is to distribute taxpayer funds from government coffers to the wealthly.

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That is 100% true. And a million other shenanigans...

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Thank you for asking! A friend asked me this very same question about 25 years ago when we were hiking in the East Bay hills. My immediate response was something like: "The purpose of government is to make sure everyone is taken care of."

I still stand by that today. It doesn't mean government should directly take care of everybody, not at all. It means that government should be of the people and by the people (get rid of all those Big Money interests that currently control it!) and operate for the people, ensuring that structures are in place to make sure every person feels valued and respected, allowing everyone to contribute their talents/gifts and receive sufficient compensation for a decent life for themselves and their families. Structures that support families, neighborhoods, communities; safeguard individual freedoms as long as they don't harm others; solicit meaningful participation in decisions affecting them, mediate conflicts; ensure fairness, with special attention to needs of children, the infirm and the elderly.

I'm getting on in that latter category and grateful to have a good pension (funded by years of past work), which sadly many elders, who worked long years at low wages, do not. All of the essential structures listed above are sorely lacking at present, predominantly due to extreme concentration of wealth and power that seeks to enslave and control us, using sugar-coated rhetoric to fool the majority into going along.

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I really appreciate and like your response Marilyn. We the people have so much work to do!

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There is such corruption in government, I do wonder if the elders of the future will have any support, financial or otherwise. I personally don’t think so.

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All the more reason to have allies in younger generations, to at least do what we can to support each other while pushing for structural changes.

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