The 1st Aussie pilot is amazing. He could be a lawyer at this point and is very articulate & combative, which is great to see after Australia caved in so rapidly (can you say Djokovic?), plus it seems like he's making headway in their court system. The American pilots are very former military in their delivery & outlook, and view this as the epic battle for freedom that it is. It's great to see that the Vaxlash is progressing on all fronts. Thanks for the viewing tip Jet Aime.
The 1st Aussie pilot is amazing. He could be a lawyer at this point and is very articulate & combative, which is great to see after Australia caved in so rapidly (can you say Djokovic?), plus it seems like he's making headway in their court system. The American pilots are very former military in their delivery & outlook, and view this as the epic battle for freedom that it is. It's great to see that the Vaxlash is progressing on all fronts. Thanks for the viewing tip Jet Aime.
You're welcome... and yeah, I was so impressed with him too! All four were on the money!
And Maajid is a great interviewer who allows his guests to talk. Going to check out the rest of his videos...