Flying Into The Face of Danger
An excellent video to share with people who are bad news resistant re the Vee
Over the last year, I’ve shared several excerpts of Maajid Nawaz talking on videos on my social media channels — particularly when he talks about the sinister plans of the World Economic Forum — but I was not aware of his Radical channel on Odysee until this morning (thank you fellow Sane Franciscan — “E.D.” — for sharing this video on our Discussion group on Telegram).
After a brief intro during which time which he brings up a most pertinent point on peanuts (yep, nothing makes sense within the framework of their illogical mandates), Maajid presents four excellent interviews with different pilots: two from Australia (JetStar & Qantas Captain Alan Dana and Virgin pilot & flight instructor Captain Glen Waters) and two from the US (President of US Freedom Flyers, Captain Joshua Yoder, and United States Airforce veteran & pilot, Captain Bob Snow). These men are all in opposition to vaccine mandates for airline staff.
All of them are highly articulate, speaking with unwavering clarity about what is right and what is plainly wrong. In these concise interviews, each pilot talks about his own personal struggle with fighting the coercive mandates, and between the four of them they cover employment law, pending legal ramifications for their employers, the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, the ever-increasing number of adverse events, and also provide facts and figures that nobody in their right mind could argue with today.
Basically, there isn’t a single wasted word in this video (although I believe there was one wrong word near the beginning… um, shouldn’t it have been “numerous,” Maajid?).
For the above reasons, I recommend you share this with your friends and family. I’m actually about to WhatsApp it to two of my family members. They haven’t heard from me in a while regarding certain matters which I am no longer allowed to speak of but I’m going to ask them to please pretty please indulge me, and spend a little over 1.5 hours to watch this. It’s a long shot but it’s possible something might seep through. Wish me luck, and I’m wishing you luck with yours!
#covid #nojabnojob #pilots #vaccineinjury #vaccinemandates #maajidnawaz
The 1st Aussie pilot is amazing. He could be a lawyer at this point and is very articulate & combative, which is great to see after Australia caved in so rapidly (can you say Djokovic?), plus it seems like he's making headway in their court system. The American pilots are very former military in their delivery & outlook, and view this as the epic battle for freedom that it is. It's great to see that the Vaxlash is progressing on all fronts. Thanks for the viewing tip Jet Aime.