May 21Liked by Sane Franciscan

Beautiful writing, my dear

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Thank you, Tessa!

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May 21Liked by Sane Franciscan

🤣🤣🤣❤️ I’ve been wondering how fate or storytelling would conspire to find the nexus of your long-standing acronym with the woke renaming of the fake hoax. Nicely done.

BTW, if “monkey” is racist against certain people, isn’t “pixie” racist against short people? Asking for a friend.

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Aw, cheers, mate! I’ve wanted to share this piece of writing for a while and I thought it would be on another ‘stack. Truly tho’, it belongs on Sane F.

Those are good questions! 😬

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May 21Liked by Sane Franciscan

I love this title, SF. I was just writing something similar in a draft. And what a great parable for holding your assumptions lightly.

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Thank you Missus! I look forward to reading yours when it comes out, as you know I always do.

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May 21Liked by Sane Franciscan

At first I thought mpx was a radio station!

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Ha! No, that would be KMPX... 😬

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May 21Liked by Sane Franciscan

Love the way you write! ❤️💕

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Aw, thank you Heather! <3

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May 22Liked by Sane Franciscan

OMG you are such a great story-teller!! Muchas gracias! <3 <3 <3

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Thank you so much, Marilyn! 💕

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What a terrific and fun story! Thanks for the laugh! For the record, I associate MPX with you and not monkey pox. And I, too, am grateful for your airport code.

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May 22·edited May 22Author

Thank you, TNK -- that's what I have for you in my 'phone -- so glad I made you laugh! Well, I was first with MPX, and I have decades worth of proof! But yeah, it was funny to see those headlines in 2022 about how dangerous MPX was. My friends kept sending them to me.

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Jun 1Liked by Sane Franciscan

I had so much fun reading this - on the edge of my seat! Great story. xo

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Thanks MDA! <3

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