Metal (or heavy metal, or any tune that is inordinately loud, or where people are yelling) has always been my least favourite type of music. However, I now have a new-found respect for the genre as of this evening when I came to listen to the gifts of this musician, Andre Antunes. I can’t believe that I’d never heard of him before, given how skilled he is and how excellent his videos are.
And referring back to what I mentioned in my last piece, about having felt, um… a lot of feelings the moment I realized that Trump had been elected, this clip compilation and his guitar-playing is on another level of genius and musicality.
Yes, musicality. (Because I can now say, thanks to Andre, that I just now, and maybe for the first time ever, heard the music in metal.)
People, it’s rare that I rejoice in anyone’s pain. But I did enjoy this video for so many reasons, not least because I know my fellow bullshit detectors will dig it for too.
Though not to gloat.
Because, as one YouTube commenter wrote:
Maybe I'm just old, but the thought of being so mad, angry, and frustrated that you take the time to set up the camera on your phone to record it BEFORE you emotionally explode is hilarious to me. It's so performative.
Imagine the level of narcissism it would take to film yourself having a meltdown.
And there’s this track listing created by another commenter:
Democracy Dies (In My Living Room)
Literally Shaking (feat. TikTok Tears)
Not My President (Screamo Version)
Orange Man Bad (Breakdown Mix)
I'm Moving To Canada (Spoiler: They Don't)
Absolutely brilliant! Chat GPT could not do better…
Of course I had to use this for the title of my piece:
They should name their metal band UNBURDENED AF
Finally this one, which explains precisely why this mash-up is a chef-d’œuvre:
What an absolute Masterpiece! The absolute intensity of emotion and the different forms it comes in in all these people, super-enforced, condensed and potentiated by this raw metal. The lightheartedness with which this is done. Its duality of being a parody of itself and the way of execution of these emotions on the one hand while, on the other hand helping to execute them in the most pure, raw and truest form. ... How can something be so good in such contradictory aspects?
My favourite bit? The turning in all four directions by the third yeller singer. It is so perfectly synched to the music that you’d think a choreographer was hired to make sure the young lad moved in time.
OK, I know that should be enough fun for tonight but you have to see the one below too (nothing to do with election results). I actually do have some empathy for the shouting guy because I, too, have sometimes wanted to scream at certain people, “WHY ARE YOU CLOSED?”, particularly during the last 4.5 years.
And finally this one, because these two ladies are from the country I was made in, and their voices and rhythm are wonderful.
This guy sure gets music!
I don't feel any Schadenfreude, if this makes sense, but I laughed a lot to watch these. The heavy metal's not my thing but I thought that was very apt, very original. (The people filming their own meltdowns, they seem to me to have allowed a part of their souls to wander outside their bodies.)
Thank.You! Very cool stuff. Love the mixing mediums thing.
Hard to improve on the brilliance of AR Rahman & the Nooran Sisters but I think they would even enjoy his mashup. I got a soft spot for the original though: