This refers to my own post and it connects to this post of Celia Farber's: https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/israel-warns-un-to-evacuate-northern

I listened to Matt Ehret’s video 2-3 times whilst tidying up yesterday; it was that dense and I kept rewinding to hear something I'd missed. Later when I came to write this post, it was late and I was too tired to find, transcribe and correct a part I'd heard earlier about the Jewish Identity.

"It's not like there aren't good Israelis... In the 1880s-1890s, you had Shalom Alikum*, you had Yitzak Peretz* who were these Jews who were trying to find a much more humanist moral foundation for the Jewish identity coming into the modern age of industrial scientific progress. And there was a fight over what would be the Jewish identity. Now this grouping represented the type of tradition that we had seen from people like Moses Mendleson*, Moses [....] the Great Rabbi who worked with the Christian Apostles like Peter in Rome fighting against the Pagan Cults and the mystery religions, right when Christ had died. And these were groups who said, "Okay, look… if the Torah says that Jews are the chosen people, well, that means we must be the most responsible, to be loving, good, reasonable beings made in the image of God. It was a non-fascist interpretation of that, that said "okay, if you're the best, it means you've got to be the best in goodness and if the Messiah is going to come, it's going to be because you've made the world just and peaceful so that the Messiah will want to come". And you had Christians as well, who also were looking at the Messiah coming back for the second time throughout the last 2,000 years who had a very similar spirit. You know the Augustinian Platonist Christians were like "Okay, if 'the End Times' doesn't mean the end of the world; [it] could be interpreted as 'the End Times' or it could simply mean the end of an age of empire of injustice; and it's our responsibility to bring about that city of God. So this is where Augustine developed his doctrine of tolerance and cooperation with Jews and Muslims in the end of the Roman Empire period or Western Roman Empire."

So perhaps they are not redefining but in fact reiterating who they are.

*Youtube transcription spelling.

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" if the Torah says that Jews are the chosen people, well, that means we must be the most responsible, to be loving, good, reasonable beings made in the image of God. It was a non-fascist interpretation of that, that said "okay, if you're the best, it means you've got to be the best in goodness and if the Messiah is going to come, it's going to be because you've made the world just and peaceful so that the Messiah will want to come."

Supremacism is supremacism. Anyone who believes they and only they are 'chosen by god' must be opposed and must NEVER be allowed to have any power or land. The whole "oh that means we have to be good" schitck is Jedi Mind Tricks.. "These are not the subhuman fascist Zionists you're looking for <hand wave>" ... What the fuck does any fucking Zionist know about being "just and peaceful?" It is 100% incompatible with being 'chosen' by some old dude living in the sky.... They conveniently leave out that their books of filth also say that when their messiah arrives, all non-Jews will take their 'rightful' place as slaves to Jews. That's what it says - why would I want anyone who believes that to have any power?

Hopefully they are finished off this time. They have NO IDEA what awaits them in Gaza.... Many more Israeli moms will be crying tears. Put it on pay-per-view, I'll gladly watch.

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You missed the point entirely.

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Perhaps you've forgotten that I'm not a depraved, diseased pacifist. Pacifism means genocide for some of the most honorable people on planet Earth - The Palestinians.

Again, there is a VAST difference between left-Zionists (so-called "Israeli peace activists") and anti-Zionists. You won't see Miko Peled (grandson of one of the founders of "Israel") referring to anyone being "chosen." He's an anti-Zionist. He doesn't refer to Hamas as "terrorists," but as fighters.

There were "good Israelis" a hundred years ago? So fucking what? If they were talking about being chosen, if they were talking about their messiah, they were filthy Zionists. When they mention their Messiah, they are talking about enslaving all of humanity for fuck's sake!

There is no peace without justice, and there will not be peace until so many "Israeli" mothers are crying that they give up and go back to Poland, Brooklyn, and Russia. Mizrahi and Sephardim who were born there and want to stay should be allowed to - but under a Palestinian government ONLY. Zionist MUST go to the dustbin of history just like the Nazis.

I was there last Sunday in SF at the protest. Only saw one person I knew. Shameful.

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Thanks for this thoughtful and dispassionate piece. And especially for the point made about 9/11 being a false flag. If this particular situation was triggered by "Israel's 9/11" then we should certainly e alert to the possibility that this was also a false flag.

I tend to put this in the LIHOP (let it happen on purpose) category. There are just too many aspects of Israel's failure to detect any activity or respond to believe that they were simply caught napping. Israel doesn't nap.

And just a friendly reminder that Israel is the master of false flags, whose Mossad intelligence service's motto is "By way of deception, thou shalt do war". And whose fingerprints were all over 9/11.


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Thank you BM. As you can imagine it’s hard to write about such a polarizing subject. LIHOP seems plausible. There are so many things that don’t make sense. But as I said, when had war ever made sense (to anyone but those who profit from it)?

So much about 9/11 = dodgy as the link to the 5 minute James Corbett video points out above.

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Dancing Israelis -> Israelis arrested on the GW bridge with explosives -> Bernard Kerik (police commissioner) covers up the explosives -> Bernard Kerik is convicted of corruption with an Israeli billionaire -> Bernard Kerik goes to jail -> Donald Trump pardons Bernard Kerik -> Bernard Kerik is behind Guiliani at EVERY press conference, every court appearance, as they push their stolen election garbage.

Ivanka and Kusher are Chabad -> Chabad's top Rabbi, Sheerson, said we will all be slaves to the Jews once the messiah arrives -> The US endorses 'Education Day' to celebrate the life of Sheerson and endorses Noahide Law which allows for the execution of non-Jews

Biden's State Department sends out a memo banning the following words and phrases when it comes to Palestine: "cease fire" "deescalation" "truce" "talks" ... as the MSM bans it's own left-Zionist and anti-Zionist commentators (e.g. Mehdi Hassan) from the air.

Zionist Occupied Goverment

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As usual, I will not mince words.

First of all, let's make this perfectly clear:

The Palestinians AND HAMAS are 100% right.

Israel and the Zionists are 100% wrong. And yes, it IS that simple.

I will try to go in the order presented in your article.

"innocent civilians" - No. There is no such thing as an innocent occupier or an innocent Zionist. People who bring children to "Israel" are child abusers - plain and simple. Those that are born there should be doing everything they can to get out (many do). Those that have made "aaliyah" need to go the fuck back to Poland, Brooklyn, Russia or whatever other shithole they came from.

Let us also be aware that the "beheaded babies" story is 100% bullshit. It was reported exactly 33 years TO THE DAY that that subhuman bitch Nayirah lied to Congress about Iraqi soldiers throwing babies out of incubators. (And yes, for those who notice such things - THIRTY-THREE.)

My tears are reserved ONLY for the people and children of Palestine. That includes the brave and heroic Hamas fighters.

It is indeed clear that there was no "intelligence failure." The criminal Nehtanyahu was barely hanging on to power. Just like the criminal George W. Bush enjoyed a 91% approval rating in 2001 before launching a campaign of mass murder that saw 2-3 million completely innocent people slaughtered, Nethanyahu has now formed a "unity" government (united in filth) as they embark on a campaign of genocide against 2 million completely innocent people.

Money "given" to Iran? No. The money was RETURNED to Iran - it is THEIR MONEY that the US has been holding since 1979. This is rarely mentioned, just as it is rarely mentioned that the US armed the mullahs starting just six weeks into the Reagan administration. Some might recall that the US government ran vast amounts of cocaine into American neighborhoods in order to continue sending arms to Iran after Congress had banned it.

If Iran used the money to fund Hamas, that is something they should be praised for.

The Bible? Give me a fucking break. It's just a bunch of filthy Abrahamic stories, many stolen from African oral traditions. THIS CONFLICT IS NOT ABOUT RELIGION. It is about PROPERTY RIGHTS. It is about colonial settlers from Europe using their non-white cousins to throw people off of their land. Oppressed people will rally around anyting they need to in order to survive. I can't blame Palestinians for rallying around Islam, even if Islam is utter filth. It should be noted that 20% of Palestinians were Christians in 1948 - that number is now 3% after Israel has exterminated and dispersed them. Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem (the name of the town might ring a bell) are not even allowed to celebrate Christmas.

The DollarVigilante video is very good except for one thing. Hamas was not /created/ by Israel. It was /supported/ by Israel as an alternative to the secular/socialist PLO/Fatah. This is part of Israeli game theory where they back religious factions over secular factions. However, Hamas ended up winning a free, fair, and internationally observed election in BOTH Gaza and the West Bank. At that point, Israel backed Fatah and helped them execute a coup in the West Bank and take over. Their coup attempt in Gaza failed.

And then what happened? MOST of the West Bank has been taken over by subhuman Zionist settler filth, while Gaza has resisted and resisted and resisted. Proudly. Fiercely.

The Patrick Bet-David video is AWFUL. He says Hamas=Hezbollah=ISIS. Let's get it straight:

Hamas - the heroic defenders of Gaza who kicked Israel's ass the last time they tried to invade Gaza

Hezbollah - the heroic defenders of Lebanon who kicked Israel's ass the last two times they tried to invade Lebanon

ISIS - an invention of Israel and the US, organized by General Petraeus, armed, funded, and given air support by the US - WHICH HAS NEVER ATTACKED ISRAEL

Bet-David uses MSM American sources throughout the video. He is also a vehement Trump support, and is therefore subhuman filth. The Trump administration was direct rule from Tel Aviv. Both his daughter and son-in-law are Chabad terrorists. (And to make it clear, just as 100% of Trump supporters are filth, so are 100% of Biden supporters... and Obama supporters... and Bush supporters... and Clinton supporters.. and Bush supporters....and Reagan supporters... and Carter supporters... and Ford supporters... and Nixon supporters... and Johnson supporters...)

I have not yet watched the Ehret video - it looks pretty good.

The Albert Pike stuff is complete nonsense. The term Zionism did not exist in his day.

Finally, before anyone predictably calls me an anti-semite.... Most of what I have learned about anti-Zionism I have learned from people who are of Jewish heritage, and who I count among my friends and esteemed colleagues. Anti-Zionism should not be confused with the left-Zionism of Israeli "peace" activists who still want to live on stolen land.

The ONLY acceptable solution is ONE STATE CALLED PALESTINE, with protection for minority rights, birth rights, and the right of return with all original property rights respected. In that state, Zionism must be illegal just as Nazism is illegal in Germany. If Zionist must be exterminated in order for that to happen, so be it.

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I can see you are anti government as I am. I definitely don’t support the Israeli genocide of Gaza. But this whole conflict was orchestrated by the United Nations (Uk / US) when after WWII they believe the 6 million gas chamber victims in Northern Europe. It was always intended as two states but Israel prevailed. And now we have two peoples that hate each other living in cramped quarters.

I believe the hamas invasion was a false flag intended to support an alternative agenda

From here we depart ways. When I lived and worked in Israel I found there to be many normal Jews that were good people. So I don’t want them all eradicated. The Zionist should be stopped.

And probably the biggest difference I have is that I believe in God and most of what is said in the New Testament. I also believe Jesus was a great spiritual leader who maintained a conscious contact with God. I wouldn’t say bad things about other’s religious views or holy books.

Have a blessed day.

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I don’t know if you have misread the words in my post, or if I am misunderstanding yours, but it seems you write above as if we have differences when we don’t… not at all. I don’t want Jewish people killed. I also believe in God and I believe everyone has a right to their religion too. I am not a Christian but I think Jesus is one of many great spiritual leaders that existed, one of the most fascinating actually. I was raised Hindu, btw.

And virtually everything else you wrote, I share your view.

So hmmm… I’m confused by your comment.

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Oh I see you are responding to the comment above. The email came directly to me though.

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Yes I loved what you wrote. That’s why I followed you on Substack. I was replying to Private numb nuts.

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Yes, it makes sense now. I will reply to Private soon.

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Sorry for mistake on my cell phone. It should read “the western world believed the story of the 6 million Jews killed in the Nazi gas chambers”. Then felt sorry for them and allocated land in the Middle East to start the Jewish state of Israel.

I don’t believe the gas chamber story. Neither that they existed and the ridiculous 6 million number. But that’s only my opinion and maybe I’m wrong.

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I have heard similar claims before (funnily enough, from Mr Private above) but I do not know anything about it.

(I do know that so much of what I was taught as “fact” has turned out to be lies.)

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Correct. There were no "death camps." There were labor camps where a whole lot of people died, though not 6 million, which is a Talmudic number that they threw around well before WWII.

Nazis were and are still evil though. That's why they were such good friends with the Zionists with things like the Haavara Agreement.

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Being a good person and being a Zionist are incompatible.

I have white friends. I have Jewish friends.

My white friends are not in the KKK. They are not Nazis. They are not white supremacists.

Am I supposed to put up with Jewish people who are Zionists? Nope.

Those who say all Jewish people are Zionists are anti-Semites. It is ascribing a single ideology to an ethnic group. Jewish people come in all colors and can hold any kind of ideology. They can be atheists, they can be religious, they can be whatever.

But if they are Zionists, they are scum that must be eradicated - just like the KKK and the Nazis must be eradicated.

As I am often fond of saying ... 'Jesus didn't exist... and he's buried in Kashmir next to Thomas'

There is one passage in the New Testament that I like. Matthew 6:5-6. I wish more Abrahamics would practice it.

Finally, did your Jesus tell you to refer to someone you don't agree with as "numb nuts?" Christianity would be nice if there were any actual Christians. Unfortunately they were wiped out around 600AD.

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I changed "gave" to "unfroze" which was the word I originally meant to write but it was 2am when I went to post this.

I don't agree with killing any innocent civilians. Absolutely not. I may agree with you about some things but definitely not that.

Will respond to the rest of your comment when I don't feel so tired. So much friction today.

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People who go to a "peace rave" 5km from history's largest concentration camp are NOT innocent. People living collectively on stolen land in a kibbutz are NOT innocent. If children have been killed it is the fault of parents who raise them in a war zone.

If Hamas were to listen to the calls for non-violence, they would simply die. For Palestinians there is only existence and resistance. They are throwing their own lives - the lives of their own children - on the line, and all anyone wants to talk about are the "innocent" fucking Zionist filth.

Today The Telegraph published a picture purporting to be a dead "Israeli" baby with an ooooh-aahhh headline about how horrible it is and what a crime it is - ON THE SAME DAY THAT 30 PALESTINIAN CHILDREN WERE MASSACRED WHEN ISRAEL HIT A SHELTER IN GAZA.

No one cared about Nazi babies being killed. According to the narrative, the Nazis were the aggressors so THEY bear the guilt of the dead children. I'm tired of people making the implication that Hamas are terrorists. THE ZIONISTS ARE THE TERRORISTS. Period. The Zionists are 100% responsible for ALL of the violence. That is why they MUST be exterminated.

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I think it's something people are keen to point out because they still think of Hamas as "terrorists" instead of them being the legitimate representatives and defenders of the people of Gaza. It's something pointed out by people who think Hamas's actions last week were terrible instead of what they truly were - beautiful.

The reason they think such evil nonsense is because of decades - entire lives - filled with Zionist propaganda, whether from Zionist Hollywood, Zionist TV News, and a Zionist education system.

Hamas legitimately won the free, fair, and internationally observed election in BOTH the West Bank and Gaza. Their opponent was Fatah/PLO. What is almost entirely left out of this discussion is that Fatah is the party of rich sellout Palestinian kleptocrats who are in bed with the Zionist filth far more than Hamas, while Hamas is the party for the poor Palestinians i.e MOST Palestinians. As soon as Hamas won the elections, the Zionists started "supporting" Fatah over them - and everyone can see the results. Almost all of the West Bank has been taken over by settler filth. They take all the water. They take all the farm land. They exact punishment against any and all Palestinians whenever they want to.

That blog you've linked is completely disgusting. It likens Hamas to ISIS, which was CREATED by the Americans and the Zionists and which HAS NEVER ATTACKED "ISRAEL." It also put the Abraham Accords and "love" in the same sentence. The Abraham Accords are genocide of the Palestinians - what the fuck else would a Chabad terrorist like Jared Kushner negotiate? Actual peace??? That's utterly laughable.

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Agree re the babies and now it's been corroborated. https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/cnn-retracts-hamas-beheading-babies

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Zionism and mendacity go hand in hand ... ALWAYS

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What do you think about the Israeli gov't funding Hamas? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcY2Fa8Fx4I

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Very good piece but Bet-David is just mimicking what he has read or heard on the internet. His claims of living his first 10 years in Iran really don’t bring credibility.

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I mostly stuck him in there for the charts showing how many Palestinians have been killed over the years compared to Israelis. Still, that does not mean I want Israelis to be killed.

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Yep, I had posted JD's beheaded babies lie video yesterday on somebody else's post.

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Thanks so much for including the important material by Cynthia Chung and Matthew Ehret, exposing the role of the British Empire in destabilizing the Middle East over a hundred years ago and continuing to this day as it has morphed into the Anglo-American Empire. Time for that empire to disintegrate!

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Couldn’t agree more!

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