Flippin’ heck, it’s been exactly 5 years since I made this epic music video for my extraterrestrial alter ego, MPX. It currently stands as SBF’s most ambitious film project as director, producer and editor (oh my, and I starred in it too…), but obviously it could not have been made without the many contributions of a stellar cast and crew (full credits on the YouTube blurb). It was released on International Women’s Day, March 8th, 2019.
However, after having learnt about, and having observed, a plethora of psyops in the last 4 years I strongly felt the need to question certain beliefs which I was formerly convinced of.
For example, although the hashtag MeToo was great at helping society understand how ubiquitous sexual assault is, it was also used as another way to further divide us and to emphatically place the blame for bad behaviour on the shoulders of only one group of people. (“Toxic Masculinity” is discussed far more frequently than “Toxic Femininity”. And yet I’m sure I’m not the only one here to have observed just as many instances of the latter too).
I also saw with dismay that the hashtag #BelieveWomen created the opportunity for any man to be deemed guilty by default. A man could suddenly be accused, tried — via the public courtrooms of social media, a harsh, irrational and unforgiving space — and subsequently cancelled (lose his reputation, job, friends, etc) without due process.
Between empowerment and mob justice
As empowering as the #MeToo campaign is for the victims, as frightening it is for anyone on the wrong side of the hashtag. So far it appears like the right people are targeted. The evidence against Weinstein seems overwhelming, and newly accused like Kevin Spacey have apologized for their wrongdoings. However, it would be dangerously naïve to simply celebrate this powerful new tool which effectively bypasses the law through social media. Sure, the accused will not be convicted before going through a proper trial. But does the legal outcome really matter if the practical outcome might destroy a person’s life as in the case of Kachelmann? Will the #MeToo crowd also defend those who turned out to be innocent? If not, their new tool of victim empowerment might mutate into a weapon of mob justice. As a consequence, it will lose its strength to work for its actual purpose. With every wrong accusation, it will weaken its capability to serve as a tool for bringing actual perpetrators to justice. We will see how wise the crowd really is.
And despite no longer suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (though I still have zero plans to vote for Trump, but, um… ain’t life funny; see postscript below), I will confess to having been ailed by a mild case of TDS, which disappeared the moment I understood that if we were to use lesser-evilism as the measure, the Democrats, whose recent regimes have collectively caused untold harm worldwide, nationally (particularly in the last 4 years), not to mention in this state and city, were objectively far worse.
What remains of the message in my video after all that?
Well, I remain steadfast to this day in my belief that consent is crucial. And that, for me, was the ultimate point of my video (apart from giving a visual landscape to my song).
It’s perplexing that so many people who agreed with me on that issue (and in some cases, since they were part of the crew or cast, even helped me make it), somehow could not also see how important bodily sovereignty is if we were to talk about the insane issue of being forced to have an untested cocktail of chemicals injected into your body against your will.
I remember using this word — “forced” (with respect to the vaccines)— with a neighbour who used to live below me until about 3.5 years ago. We had always got on great until he saw my Covid-questioning posts on FB and IG. A year ago he came to pick up some mail which I had set aside for him. I took the opportunity to ask him what he thought about the vaccine mandates we’d had to endure in this city; I wondered if he thought differently about things now, did he think it was OK to force people to take a vaccine. He responded, “Well, come on… nobody actually forced anyone though… right?”
I was too gobsmacked to point out that the coercion we had all experienced, ie. the threat that everything — job, ability to travel, permission to enter public establishments, schools, universities, libraries, gyms, music venues, restaurants, cafés, bars, comedy clubs, etc — would be taken away from you, until you said “yes,” was indeed force.
(I really have to work on de-paralysing that gobsmacked muscle so that I am to respond with what I just wrote in real time.)
But you gotta laugh, innit
Yesterday it was my birthday and in the evening I celebrated with some friends by going to see stand-up comic, Tyler Fischer. He is hilarious and given his content matter (for example, pointing out the many bizarre happenings of the last four years), which he performed for a packed house of what could only be unidentified Sane Franciscans (the venue has a capacity of 400 people, and I only recognized the few friends who came with, so it looks like there’s far more of us Saners than we think).
Here’s an extract from his comedy which had us all in stitches:
“I was a pretty, like, woke person, I was a brainwashed liberal person, before the pandemic. And I didn’t get the Covid shot. And then suddenly everyone was like, ‘I didn’t know you were a far right Trump extremist!’
“Craziest thing I ever experienced and it still happens… people still see me like that, which is weird. Because, first of all, Trump made the vaccine… that was Trump’s vaccine. That’s all he talked about. That was his baby. If I liked Trump, I’d be like, ‘Give me that Patriot Pinch… c’mon, give it to me!’ Making Vaccines Great Again! C’mon! I got 40 boosters. I got my NRA tattoo and my mRNA tattoo. Making Vaccines Great Again!
“I was just following orders like a good little [effin’] Democrat. My Body, My Choice! So that’s what I thought. It was my body, my choice, and they were like ‘No, not this time. It’s Your Body… My Choice.’
“So, it’s not really ‘My Body, My Choice!’
“I don’t care what your beliefs are, but don’t [effin'] lie to me, it’s only ‘My P*&&%, My Choice’. That shit only applies to women’s vaginas and what goes in and out of them”.
Thanks for calling out the hypocrisy, Tyler. At the very least, double standards deserve to be called out and derided. Our laughter and applause was cathartic.
Why doesn’t the concept translate?
I made that video 5 years ago for International Women’s Day and the underlying message still holds true: women and girls don’t deserve the sexual harassment/assault/intimidation, etcetera, they endure, (and neither do men and boys, because such awful behaviour does happen to them too (#themtoo?).
And if you believe that, then surely you understand that nobody should be forced to have anything injected into their body against their will (nor be forced to wear any kind of medical device either, especially when they have been proven not to work). It’s so simple and yet so many don’t understand that.
What is that all about?
(Rhetorical question: I know that with the vax and the masks, they convinced the masses that it was all about “the greater good.” But please do let me know if you have other ideas…)
As I said, I’m still not a fan of Trump (Tyler explains one of the reasons above), but in a surreal twist of fate (considering the POTUS who inspired the song behind my IWD 2019 video), recently I was hired to make campaign videos for three friends who happen to be Republican and who are also pro-DT. (Ha, go ahead and cancel me harder, friends who have already cancelled me!)
First, the shortest (and yes, that’s my voice at the end; it’s a one-woman production team over here at Single Beige Female) for Jason Zeng:
And this next one for
(someone I first got to know through her classes on the value of listening to music that is tuned to 432 Hz). Mindy’s voice and message is very touching; I think the choice of music (which of course is 432 Hz) served to highlight both too:Finally, here’s the funniest one, as anyone who knows
, my documentary collaborator and the director of this short, would expect:I really enjoyed making these videos since I do believe in all three of these people who had the gumption to run for office in local and state positions this past Tuesday; their believing in Trump, or not, was not an issue for me. I knew them as human beings and I knew they were sincere.
One thing that I’m glad to have learned about myself in the last 4 years of being Sane is that I don’t have to agree with everything a person believes in order to:
talk to them,
enjoy their company,
work with (or for) them,
learn from them,
know that they are good people at their core.
I wish more people, especially in the Bay Area, would take this stance because ultimately, despite whatever strongly-held individual beliefs we may each hold, we would be sure to learn something from another we disagree with, thereby expanding our minds and hearts.
Thank you so much for reading Sane Francisco. I live in a city that I feel very connected to despite the many issues that plague it (pun kind of intended, ha). It will take time, patience and effort to return San Francisco to its former world-class state, and some of us have no intention of abandoning the city we love without trying. Since 2020, I have worked at finding and bringing Sane Franciscans together to build community so that we might fight the madness when it came for us (which it certainly did — as expected — in 2021). Today in 2024, with the globalists’ fantasy of “resetting the planet” ever-present in the background, their insanity continues to hover in a plethora of ways, and I am still here doing whatever I can to help curb it, despite the high costs of living in SF. If you find value in my work, and if you are able, please consider a paid subscription or feel free to buy me a coffee. As an artist and freelancer with sporadic income, your support is very much appreciated! 💛
The founding fathers are a great example of people who agreed on very little, except for a few big, important things. I've heard that there are reports that debates got so heated in the convention that people were throwing shoes at each other lol
Cool video. You have an artistic flair my lady :) Well done.
I thought about watching it on mushrooms but i'm scared to.........................