Thank you so much for sharing the video of your blockbuster speech two years ago!! I was there and totally energized by you and all the other speakers, and the crowd in general, full of home-made signs asserting our basic humanity!

As I recall the "counter-demo" right next to City Hall was about climate change, but I could be wrong. Anyway, we ignored them, they eventually left and our voices ruled the day at Civic Center Plaza in Sane Francisco!

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Oh yeah I think it might have been “climate change.” 🙄

It was a great day otherwise… Thanks for being part of an energetic Sane crowd, Marilyn!

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Yes, a great day. The other "protesters" were mostly young, and, being outdoors, masked up. They were there & gone in exactly one hour, as San Franciscan pointed out. Their organizers couldn't afford to pay them for another hour, apparently.

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Nice way to earn a couple of hundred bucks, I imagine!

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Control Group was there!

Can't remember what they were pseudo-protesting, but it was odd...

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Right?! Hmm, I wonder if there's a way to find out.

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Thanks for being part of the Sane gang that day!

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Fantastic!!!! You are Wonder Woman. Thank you for being courageous ... and inspiring. Love and prayers to you.☮️🙏

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Aw, thank you! There is a photo of me wearing a Wonder Woman bracelet somewhere on this ‘stack. I will find it!.

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Oh my gosh. That is too cool! I always had Wonder Woman mouse pads and notebooks with me on client sites. To match the 3 inch heels and Armani suit. Yeah. A lot of ego working there. 😉🙏. Along with a wicked sense of humor. Wonder Woman in my own mind. Now I aspire to be the kinder gentler version.

Bless you my dear friend. Love to you "

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You are now Wonder-filled Woman? <3

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Haha. Yes! Well done.

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November 4, 2008

March 19, 2011

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The day Obama was elected.

The day Libya was attacked.

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That's right. On that first date, many of my friends (not pointing at anyone in particular cough cough) were literally dancing in the streets - including at Civic Center. This was despite the fact that I had spent the previous year telling them that Obama would be a war criminal just like Bush and that he would kill the anti-war movement. But, hey, who's going to listen to the Weird Indian Guy (tm)?

On that second date, Cindy Sheehan and I and about 40 others marched from Civic Center to The Federal Reserve Building - the attack on Libya being a war of central banking. Cindy was furious at the small size of the crowd and berated everyone for stopping at stoplights and staying on the sidewalk. I was disappointed that only one SF friend of mine attended.

The attack on Libya killed 35,000 completely innocent people. The US and its war criminal friends destroyed the Libyan water infrastructure - The Great River built by Qadaffi. They hunted him down and anally raped him with a long knife - eventually killing him. They turned Libya from the second most prosperous nation in Africa into one where slave markets operated openly.

The attack was conducted by subhuman war criminal filth Hillary Clinton serving under subhuman war criminal filth Obama at the request of subhuman war criminal filth Sarkozy, who understood that Qadaffi's planned Gold Dinar currency would destroy the French central bank, which controls almost all the currencies in West Africa. Oh, and those same friends who danced in 2008 voted for subhuman war criminal filth Hillary Clinton in 2016.

I hope the US does mandate the vaccine for all. And by mandate I mean under the actual threat of violence. I will shoot anyone who tries to force a vaccine on me or my loved ones, but I'm not going to any "me" protests. Americans deserve NOTHING, and maybe it's for the best for the mind control state to just go ahead and morph into a state of naked authoritarianism. As the walls used to say in Berkeley ... BRING THE WAR HOME.

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Agree with everything you write in your first four paragraphs. It all happened just as you described.

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Thank you for standing for freedom!!

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Beautiful speech SF! You should run for mayor of that city as a member of the Sane party. Bringing sanity to a government of insanity.

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Thank you VP! I don't think I'd like to be a mayor although somebody else suggested that recently too. Wish somebody Sane would replace London Breed though...

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With sincere respect and gratitude for your efforts:

My Speech at the Health & Freedom Rally, August 2021

(Filmed August 27th 2021 at City Hall, San Francisco, California)


Sane Francisco, Posted August 31, 2023


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: Neshma Friend is a multimedia artist best known for her videos and music albums made under the name Micropixie. Her Substack is Sane Francisco.

The video of her rally speech is on YouTube but unlisted in order to avoid being deleted. Description of video (on YT channel):

"San Francisco, Friday August 27th, 2021: myself and approximately three to four hundred like-minded concerned citizens gathered opposite the steps of City Hall to celebrate pro-choice and medical freedom. I was the MC and opening speaker. It was a very hot day under the beating sun, and the collective energy of a diverse array of people was electric. It was fantastic to come together and listen to the various speakers, to make a firm stand against medical tyranny and support city workers and other SF employees who are being coerced to get vaccinated. Let's keep on saying "NO" to coercion and "YES" to informed consent! PS The rally was covered by NBC but I can't find the file anymore."


NESHMA FRIEND: It is in fact a pro-choice and anti-mandate rally.


A little bit about me. My name is Neshma Friend and I lived in San Francisco for over 20 years. I absolutely love this city and since moving here in 2021 my friends have often heard me proudly proclaim that San Francisco is my home. However when extraordinary events began to occur last year—

WOMAN'S VOICE: [inaudible]

NESHMA FRIEND: Events that commenced in our city, events which made many of us feel that a lot of people in our city including politicians, especially politicians, might have lost their minds, not to mention their hearts, I became very concerned. I eventually founded a group with an aim to unite people who were equally alarmed about government's increasing overreach. That group is called Sane Francisco.

[cheers, clapping]

Sane Franciscans and all concerned citizens are here this afternoon to celebrate the most important aspect of living in a democracy, which is freedom.

[cheers, clapping]

The freedom of choice, which includes the freedom to choose what goes into your own body, also known as bodily autonomy, the freedom to believe that one-size-fits-all pharma does not work for every unique human being with our own individual medical histories, the freedom to not be segregated based on a personal medical decision, since history has shown us what tragedies, such, what, shown us what tragedies such segregation will inevi—, will inevitably lead to.

[cheers, clapping]

WOMAN'S VOICE: No segregation! No segregation!

NESHMA FRIEND: The freedom of speech, the freedom of speech to speak out for one's own beliefs and values, and especially the freedom of speech, the freedom to speak out against tyranny and injustice, not to mention the freedom to call out corruption.

[cheers, clapping]

Every day this last year or so I have woken up in disbelief that the San Francisco in the US of A I moved to 20 years ago is today silencing and censoring any dissenting voice, even those of eminent experts in the fields of health care and medicine, and now is actively coercing people to have a rushed concoction of untested chemicals injected into their body by threatening them with loss of benefit, loss of employment and other benefits.

[cheers, clapping]


NESHMA FRIEND: Many people who think like us have been incorrectly smeared as ultra-right white supremacists, but let's not forget that one of the vaccine hesitant demographics are poor people of color and it is these communities which will be the most impacted by such mandates should they lose their employment based on their own personal medical decisions.



NESHMA FRIEND: So we are here to fight on behalf of everybody who is being coerced, especially the SF city employees including many firefighters, sheriffs and police in the crowd today.

[cheers, clapping]

We are here to fight for their right to choose what pharmaceuticals, if any, they want to put in their body. We are here for their right to not be fired for their own personal health choice. We are here to fight for every one of us to work and move freely in society and to not be discriminated against for our own personal health choices.

No employer should ever impose this on any employee, especially given that there is no liability on the part of vaccine manufacturers.

[cheers, clapping]

And especially given that it now appears that we'll be urged to take booster shots periodically.

MAN'S VOICE: Forever!

WOMAN'S VOICE: No mandates!

NESHMA FRIEND: It's, it's vital that we end medical mandates now, especially here in San Francisco because if this city of freedom and open-mindedness falls, the rest of the country will surely fall.

[cheers, clapping]

We say no to medical mandates and yes to choice. My body, my choice, right?

[cheers, clapping]


NESHMA FRIEND: Now isn't that a sane and healthy way to live in a free society?


NESHMA FRIEND: Stay sane! I love to say, stay sane, stay sane!

[cheers, clapping]



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Aw, you transcribed everything, of course you did. Thank you T-B for always doing such a great job!

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Thankyou for your kind words.

PS I thought that, as someone who came from abroad originally, you might especially appreciate this tetsimony by Miyumi in NYC. I just loved her spirit.

New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor

Gale A. Brewer, Chair, September 9, 2022




MIYUMI: Good afternoon. My name is Miyumi [inaudible]. Thank you for the opportunity to speak here. I'm here because I'm concerned about vaccine mandate that has affected thousands of people including my family. And also, I've seen so many people, the jobs have been terminated, as you have already heard.

I came here from Japan as an adult because New York City was my dream city, the United States a great country. I was so happy to be here. And through the pandemic happened, I thought New York City was the greatest city in the world. But my conception, my view has completely changed since the pandemic.

After the pandemic happened, the lockdown, thousands of small business were killed. But I thought, it's going to be just temporary, OK, and the vaccine came. I made my personal medical choice because an experimental vaccine I thought it's not going to take it. At least that's going to see how it works. And vaccine mandate came, I couldn't go to a restaurant, I was excluded from the in-dining in restaurants, gyms, so you name it. But I thought, it's going to pass temporary. In December last year, Mayor de Blasio then imposed the vaccine mandate for employer, private employer and that actually shocked me, that United States, New York City, that has to love freedom, what happened to this country?!

What happened?!

I came here for freedom, for any good opportunities. What happened to this country? I'm so disappointed!

And, and, this, OK, I thought that's going to be temporary, in March, professional athletes exempted. OK, I'm going to wrap it up. So I thought, OK, vaccine mandates can finally be lifted. And CDC guidelines came, and what happened?! Nothing! New York City still has a vaccine mandate for all employees and college students. OK, sorry, so I just demand, I just want the vaccine mandate to be lifted—

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you.

MIYUMI: At all costs. Thank you for the opportunity.



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Love what Miyumi said! Lots of similarities to my speech too!

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Thanks for reading.

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Actually they're all great

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A lot of very courageous and pissed off people were testifying there in NYC that day. I watched the whole thing. There was a great parade of speakers all complaining about staff shortages-- no mention of the mandates! It was clear that for them, anyone who refused the jabs was obviously a kook, beneath discussion. Then came another long parade of people who wanted to work but couldn't because they had refused the jab. I mean, you couldn't make this up.

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Love the next speaker too!

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That was Joy Amanda.

New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor

Gale A. Brewer, Chair, September 9, 2022



AMANDA JOY: Hi again. So I'm speaking on behalf of Rachel. Just like me, Rachel was with the Department of Education and she was terminated in April of this year. She was on hold, she was on leave without pay, they had her in limbo, and from what I understand with those who are on leave without pay, they were not able to go and find another job and they were never able to apply for unemployment. Which makes it different from me, you know, we all have different stories.

But as far as with the Department of Education and if we have a shortage in the Department of Education, we have so many seasoned teachers, we have so many veteran even para-professionals, people that want to do the job, but they were let go, so now you have a shortage. And you have so many people, all they have to do is lift it. All they have to do is lift the mandates and allow these people to come back to work.

Those that want to come back to work. There are some, myself included, and a few others that I know personally, that they don't even want to go back even if you do lift the mandates. The trauma, the PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder], honestly, this we all have suffered some form of PTSD, CPTSD, Complex PTSD. We will never be able to truly heal from what has happened because we've been humiliated, discarded. For those who have taken it because they thought that was the only choice that they had, now they will forever be maimed. They will never go back to the city.

But the ones who are dedicated, the ones who took their body into their hands and made their choice their own, if you lift these mandates, they will gladly come back and serve the city that they love so much.

But then there has to be the incentive, and what will happen as far as an apology. Back pay.

There has to be some kind of incentive or something that says, you know what, we did you wrong and we are responsible and we're going to take accountability for it. Give them that backpay and give them whatever it is that they desire. Don't care if it's unlimited PTO [paid time off]. Whatever they deserve. Because the city, New York City, is nothing without the people. [Time alarm sounds] You guys don't have your seats unless we vote.



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Thank you for your great work T-B!

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Thank you for reading it, and thanks for all YOU do!

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I was there. Great day!

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And funny I met you at City Hall at another rally when you were wearing that amazing dress!

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Ha! Yes, that was me!!

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Thank you for standing for freedom!

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Oh I think the other protest was about climate change or something like that. I think they were teenagers who were brought there.

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Yes I think so too...

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Great speech. It was good that we got to display opposition in San Francisco, heart of complicity central Bay Area.

Some of us have come a long way since then, i sure have. As good as this event was, we can't rest upon past laurels, need to go further. As long as the con-job "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” mega-fraud narrative continues, we will be condemned to repeat this cycle of lockdowns-shots-breakouts forever. Every since one of the 3 legs of that con-job has been exposed, we need to shout it from rooftops.

No, i'm not talking about proving that there is no virus. A negative cannot be proven scientifically. I'm talking about the fact that there is no proof of the alleged virus, with 217 public health agencies around the world stating in writing, in response to FOI requests, that they have no proof of the physical isolation and purification of the SARS-CoV-2 alleged virus. That is a fact. Likewise, the idea that there was a "pandemic," "mismanaged" or otherwise, has been demonstrated to be without a basis by the likes of Dr Denis Rancourt. The freedom movement needs to do more than show its face, it needs to take the high ground.

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Agree with all you say, Jeff and btw it has been a while since the days of the NBVD. I hope you are well!

Denis has written a great essay (which you have probably read) called "There Was No Pandemic" which I mention here: https://sanefrancisco.substack.com/p/denis-rancourt-is-now-on-substack as well as another excellent one about reforming science publishing.

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INdeed Neshma, re Denis, that's what i was referring to. Right now, listening to Michael Bryant on Patrick Henningsen's show, taking apart the entire fabricated story of "Pandemix" in ground zero New York City in Spring 2020,


Bryant took down the story of the Italy early 2020 "Pandemic" which led to the global lockdown and set up the New York City event.


Italy 2020: Behind the Claim of Covid's Ground Zero, by Michael Bryant The claim of a global pandemic jumped from China to the Lombady region of Italy, which is what sent the message that "this crisis is real" when it shut down the economy. What actually happened? Michael A. Bryant, with Eric Francis Coppolino as editor, 4/12/23.

And, Christine Massey's collection of responses to FOI requests for proof of virus isolation and purification.


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Great links, thanks Jeff!

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Hi Neshma, this is a beautiful, and eloquent speech. Thank you for (re)sharing this with the community!

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Sadly, San Francisco remains INSANE.

The large majority of San Franciscans are against medical freedom even now.

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That's why I formed Sane Francisco… to counter that.

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