Two Events for 9/11 Truthers
One is online and the other, a film festival, is in-person in Oakland, CA.
It stuns me how so many people do not question what really happened on 9/11/2001. There are so many glaring anomalies gigantic holes in the script official story we were told, it’s almost comical what the TPTSB1 tried to sell us as the plot behind these attacks, an event which rightly traumatized the American (and other) people, changing our world forever. But it’s hard to laugh at the dozens of “jokes” in this action-terror movie since the repercussions of the tragedy are shocking both in horror and scale. Thousands of victims were killed or injured due to the buildings being destroyed. Not to mention all those who were impacted in the aftermath, when revenge was sought in the ensuing “justified” wars.
Learning the truth about 9/11 is what partially woke me up. Understanding that such a thing could be carried out by our own government paved the way for me to question the official narratives behind many other crimes against humanity, several of which we are still living through today.
Two 9/11 events to share
for sending me this info.)To all medical freedom fighters and truth seekers:
With the 23rd anniversary of the crimes of 9/11 approaching, crimes that all available evidence points to being an 'inside job, about which the public has been grievously deceived', you are invited to:
Aviation Impossibilities: Deconstructing the Official Story of the 9/11 Hijackings and Air Defense Failures.
The first event happened yesterday but you can still watch the replay. Click image below to access:
Hosted by Dr Piers Robinson, the video commences at 4’49”.
The theme of the symposium is a pertinent question:
What happened in the skies?
A retired US Air Force Pilot with 31 years of service, who is also an experienced aircraft accident investigator, belongs to one of many organizations who question the official government narrative, Military Officers for 911 Truth. He is featured in a short clip at the beginning (7’27”). Lieutenant Colonel David Gap lays out the many improbabilities.
20th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival
I went to this last year but cannot attend tomorrow as I’m currently in the UK, but you should definitely go if you can:
I love that comment in the flyer:
"I tried to vote for truth but truth wasn’t on the ballot”
Ain’t that the flippin’ truth?
The Powers That Shouldn’t Be
Thanks for sharing this. Learning that our own government has no qualms about killing its own people to justify wars for profit is one of those life lessons all of us need. Stay sane!!
A few years ago I saw a German engineer or architect (or related professional) give a presentation on the 911 disaster. HE explained clearly, how the narrative was just impossible, including the melting temperature of the metals in the building, the impossible way they fell down, and the building that was not hit, but fell as well. It was quite long, probably close to 2 hours. I wish I had saved it. Also I recently read, that a certain investigation bureau was in the buildings. One that obviously had found a stinky fish.